
Richard Goodell

Chief Executive Officer at Beyond Electronics

Richard Goodell Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(919) ***-****

Richard Goodell Current Workplace


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Richard Goodell Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Richard Goodell

Richard Goodell is the Chief Executive Officer at Beyond Electronics, based in Raleigh, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as the Director of Vme Operations (North America) at Kontron. Goodell holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he honed his expertise in the electronics industry. With his extensive experience and leadership skills, Goodell is responsible for driving the strategic vision and day-to-day operations of Beyond Electronics, a leading provider of innovative electronic solutions.Explore more

Richard Goodell Current Workplace

Beyond Electronics

2009-present (16 years)

Beyond Electronics Corporation is a professional electronics and software supplier in three key markets: Defense, Aerospace and Industrial Electronics. The company is an employee owned small business incorporated in North Carolina. Beyond Electronics provides innovative upgrade solutions to legacy systems as well as rugged products for a variety of new deployments. The companys products are optimized for a wide variety of applications in military, aerospace, communications and industrial markets and are in active use by customers worldwide. Quality and Innovation are the keys to Beyond Electronics successful designs. The company is dedicated to providing the right level of technology to meet project needs. Innovative ideas are used to produce exceptional results while keeping the products cost-effective. For a summary of corporate facts, please see the Corporate Fact Sheet. The product portfolio includes an array of solutions including: ruggedized, embedded data acquisition and controlSee more

Richard Goodell Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Vme Operations (North America)



General Manager Thales Computers, SBL






Vice President, Finance & Administration





Bachelor of Science - Accounting

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Org Chart - Beyond Electronics

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Richard Goodell

What company does Richard Goodell work for?
Richard Goodell works for Beyond Electronics as Chief Executive Officer
What is Richard Goodell’s role in Beyond Electronics?
Richard Goodell’s role in Beyond Electronics is Chief Executive Officer
What is Richard Goodell’s email address?
Richard Goodell’s email address is r***@beyondelectronics.us
What is Richard Goodell’s business email address?
Richard Goodell’s business email address is r***@beyondelectronics.us
What is Richard Goodell’s direct phone number?
Richard Goodell’s direct phone number is (919) ***-****
What is Richard Goodell’s work phone number?
Richard Goodell’s headquarters phone number is (919) 488-1164
What is Richard Goodell’s latest job experience?
Richard Goodell’s latest job experience is Director, Vme Operations (North America) at Kontron
What is Richard Goodell’s latest education?
Richard Goodell’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Accounting at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Which industry does Richard Goodell work in?
Richard Goodell works in the industry of Computer Networking Equipment, Network Security Hardware & Software, Computer Equipment & Peripherals.
Who are Richard Goodell’s peers at other companies?
Richard Goodell’s peers at other companies are Mitzi Mead, Yasin Patel, Ronnie Exley, Virgie Keighley, Kim Kenney.
Who are Richard Goodell’s colleagues?
Some of Richard Goodell’s colleagues are Sam Gourley.
How can I contact Richard Goodell?
Richard Goodell contact details: Email address: r***@beyondelectronics.us Phone number: (919) ***-****
Who is Richard Goodell?

Richard Goodell is the Chief Executive Officer at Beyond Electronics, based in Raleigh, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as the Director of Vme Operations (North America) at Kontron. Goodell holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he honed his expertise in the electronics industry.... With his extensive experience and leadership skills, Goodell is responsible for driving the strategic vision and day-to-day operations of Beyond Electronics, a leading provider of innovative electronic solutions.Read More

Where is Richard Goodell based?
Richard Goodell works for Beyond Electronics, located at United States
Who is Beyond Electronics’s Chief Executive Officer?
Beyond Electronics's Chief Executive Officer is Richard Goodell
See more information about Richard Goodell

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