
Riah Flewelling

Senior Director, Wellbeing & Regulatory Affairs at Kellanova

Riah Flewelling Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Riah Flewelling Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Riah Flewelling Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Riah Flewelling

Riah Flewelling is a Manager, Marketing at Nestlé based in Vevey, Vaud.

Riah Flewelling Current Workplace


2020-present (5 years)

Kellanova is a leading company in global snacking, international cereal and noodles, plant-based foods and North American frozen breakfast, with iconic, world-class brands.

Riah Flewelling Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Customer Development, Nutrition (Loblaws Key Account)

Nestlé Pakistan


Director, Marketing, Nutrition



Org Chart - Kellanova

Riah Flewelling

Senior Director, Wellbeing & Regula...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Riah Flewelling

What company does Riah Flewelling work for?
Riah Flewelling works for Kellanova as Senior Director, Wellbeing & Regulatory Affairs
What is Riah Flewelling’s role in Kellanova?
Riah Flewelling’s role in Kellanova is Senior Director, Wellbeing & Regulatory Affairs
What is Riah Flewelling’s email address?
Riah Flewelling’s email address is r***@kellanova.com
What is Riah Flewelling’s business email address?
Riah Flewelling’s business email address is r***@kellanova.com
What is Riah Flewelling’s direct phone number?
Riah Flewelling’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Riah Flewelling’s work phone number?
Riah Flewelling’s headquarters phone number is (269) 961-2000
What is Riah Flewelling’s latest job experience?
Riah Flewelling’s latest job experience is Manager, Customer Development, Nutrition (Loblaws Key Account) at Nestlé Pakistan
Which industry does Riah Flewelling work in?
Riah Flewelling works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Riah Flewelling’s colleagues?
Some of Riah Flewelling’s colleagues are Bill Dieck, Deborah Moyo, John Philip, Tshepo Lehutso.
How can I contact Riah Flewelling?
Riah Flewelling contact details: Email address: r***@kellanova.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Riah Flewelling?

Riah Flewelling is a Manager, Marketing at Nestlé based in Vevey, Vaud....

Where is Riah Flewelling based?
Riah Flewelling works for Kellanova, located at United States