2020-present (5 years)
Reza Setoodeh Email & Phone number
Reza Setoodeh Current Workplace
8700 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, California, 90048, United States
Phone Number
(310) 423-3277
Number of Employees
Reza Setoodeh Work Experience Summary
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1Average duration at a company (years)
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1About Reza Setoodeh
Reza Setoodeh is a Physician at Cedars-Sinai based in Los Angeles, California.
Previously, Reza was a Hematopathology Fellow at MSK.
Reza Setoodeh Current Workplace
Founded 1902 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is a non-profit academic medical centers in the U.S., Cedars-Sinai has clinical programs ranging from primary care to specialized treatments for rare, complex and advanced illnesses. In addition, Cedars-Sinai serves the community through its Medical Network and through wide-ranging programs that improve the health of the most vulnerable residents of Los Angeles.
Reza Setoodeh Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Reza Setoodeh
Reza Setoodeh is a Physician at Cedars-Sinai based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Reza was a Hematopathology Fellow at MSK....