
Renee Villaire

Science Teacher at North Ridgeville High School

Renee Villaire Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Renee Villaire Current Workplace

Renee Villaire Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Renee Villaire

Renee Villaire is a Science Teacher at North Ridgeville High School. They are responsible for developing and implementing engaging science curriculum for their students. Prior to their current role, Villaire served as the Coordinator of School Improvement at Life Skills High School. Villaire holds a Master of Science degree from The University of Akron, where they honed their expertise in educational leadership and curriculum design.

Renee Villaire Current Workplace

North Ridgeville High School

2013-present (12 years)

North Ridgeville High School is a high school website for North Ridgeville alumni. North Ridgeville High provides school news, reunion and graduation information, alumni listings and more for former students and faculty of NRHS in North Ridgeville, Ohio

Renee Villaire Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Coordinator of School Improvement

Life Skills High School


Org Chart - North Ridgeville High School

Renee Villaire

Science Teacher

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Renee Villaire

What company does Renee Villaire work for?
Renee Villaire works for North Ridgeville High School as Science Teacher
What is Renee Villaire’s role in North Ridgeville High School?
Renee Villaire’s role in North Ridgeville High School is Science Teacher
What is Renee Villaire’s email address?
Renee Villaire’s email address is r***@nrcs.net
What is Renee Villaire’s business email address?
Renee Villaire’s business email address is r***@nrcs.net
What is Renee Villaire’s direct phone number?
Renee Villaire’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Renee Villaire’s latest job experience?
Renee Villaire’s latest job experience is Coordinator of School Improvement at Life Skills High School
Which industry does Renee Villaire work in?
Renee Villaire works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Renee Villaire’s peers at other companies?
Renee Villaire’s peers at other companies are Vincent Bryant, Michelle Vero, Jessica Keegan, Tehya Sharp, Camille Gonzalez-Jensen.
Who are Renee Villaire’s colleagues?
Some of Renee Villaire’s colleagues are Faith Dragan, Lydia Bubar, Sharon Kuley, Andrew Martin.
How can I contact Renee Villaire?
Renee Villaire contact details: Email address: r***@nrcs.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Renee Villaire?

Renee Villaire is a Science Teacher at North Ridgeville High School. They are responsible for developing and implementing engaging science curriculum for their students. Prior to their current role, Villaire served as the Coordinator of School Improvement at Life Skills High School. Villaire holds a Master of Science degree from The University of A... kron, where they honed their expertise in educational leadership and curriculum design.