Renee Antoniadis

Office Manager at Roselands Automotive Centre

Renee Antoniadis Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Renee Antoniadis Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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About Renee Antoniadis

Renee Antoniadis is an Office Manager at Roselands Automotive Centre based in Roselands, New South Wales.Explore more

Renee Antoniadis Current Workplace

Roselands Automotive Centre

2011-present (14 years)

Here at Roselands Automotive Centre we are committed to providing the highest possible standards of service at an affordable price,from all Mechanical Repairs to all Auto Electrical Repairs Roselands Automotive Centre is fully equipped with all the latest equipment and will handle every type of Automotive service or repair. Ranging from a simple oil change to a major service including timing belt changes, we have the equipment and the knowledge to offer you not just a comprehensive maintenance package but also a cost effective way to maintain your car. We specialise in all Local,European and Imported vehicles.These include Holden, Ford, Toyota, Mazda, Honda, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Subaru, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, VW, Saab, Jaguar, Land Rover, Range Rover, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Daihatsu, Volvo, Nissan, Suzuki, Porsche, MG, Peugeot, Kia, Daewoo, Citroen, Mini, just to name a few. As a highly satisfied customer I review to thank Tony and the team at Roselands Automotive. You guys completed anotherSee more

Renee Antoniadis Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Advertising Account Executive

Eastern Papers Group


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Renee Antoniadis

What company does Renee Antoniadis work for?
Renee Antoniadis works for Roselands Automotive Centre as Office Manager
What is Renee Antoniadis’s role in Roselands Automotive Centre?
Renee Antoniadis’s role in Roselands Automotive Centre is Office Manager
What is Renee Antoniadis’s direct phone number?
Renee Antoniadis’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Renee Antoniadis’s work phone number?
Renee Antoniadis’s headquarters phone number is +61 297598870
What is Renee Antoniadis’s latest job experience?
Renee Antoniadis’s latest job experience is Advertising Account Executive at Eastern Papers Group
Which industry does Renee Antoniadis work in?
Renee Antoniadis works in the industry of Automotive Service & Collision Repair, Consumer Services.
Who are Renee Antoniadis’s peers at other companies?
Renee Antoniadis’s peers at other companies are Archie Demandante, Julie Hutchens, Heidi Brewer, Elina Maimon, Anne Cunningham.
Who are Renee Antoniadis’s colleagues?
Some of Renee Antoniadis’s colleagues are Tony Antoniadis.
Who is Renee Antoniadis?

Renee Antoniadis is an Office Manager at Roselands Automotive Centre based in Roselands, New South Wales.... Read More

Where is Renee Antoniadis based?
Renee Antoniadis works for Roselands Automotive Centre, located at Australia
See more information about Renee Antoniadis

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