Rena Reiss

Executive VP & General Counsel at Marriott

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(301) ***-****

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Rena Reiss Work Experience Summary

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About Rena Reiss

Rena Hozore Reiss is Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Marriott International, Inc. In that role, she leads a global legal team with offices worldwide supporting all facets of Marriott’s business and oversees support of the Company’s Board of Directors and the Board committees. She shares joint oversight of Marriott’s Chief Information Security Officer with Marriott’s Chief Information and Digital Officer. Ms. Reiss previously held several positions in the Marriott Law Department from 2000 until 2010, including leading the Marriott International legal team supporting the Company’s hotel, resort and residential development efforts in the Americas region and leading the legal team supporting the Global Asset Management function. From 2010 until her return to Marriott in 2017, Ms. Reiss was Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Hyatt Hotels Corporation, where she led Hyatt’s global legal team, provided primary support to Hyatt’s Board of DireRead more

Rena Reiss Current Workplace


2017-present (7 years)

The Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel is a 501 ft (153 m), 51-story hotel located near Times Square in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. It faces 7th Avenue, 52nd Street, and 53rd Street. It is one of the world's 100 tallest hotels, and one of the tallest hotels in New York City

Rena Reiss Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Doctor of Law

Harvard Law School
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Member

City Year


General Counsel & Secretary

Vines Cafe & Gallery


General Counsel & Secretary



General Counsel & Secretary

Jaxx Bistro & Lounge


Org Chart - Marriott


Executive VP & General Counsel




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rena Reiss

What company does Rena Reiss work for?
Rena Reiss works for Marriott as Executive VP & General Counsel
What is Rena Reiss’s role in Marriott?
Rena Reiss’s role in Marriott is Executive VP & General Counsel
What is Rena Reiss’s email address?
Rena Reiss’s email address is r***
What is Rena Reiss’s business email address?
Rena Reiss’s business email address is r***
What is Rena Reiss’s direct phone number?
Rena Reiss’s direct phone number is (301) ***-****
What is Rena Reiss’s work phone number?
Rena Reiss’s headquarters phone number is (301) 380-3000
What is Rena Reiss’s latest education?
Rena Reiss’s latest education in Doctor of Law at Harvard Law School
Which industry does Rena Reiss work in?
Rena Reiss works in the industry of Lodging & Resorts, Hospitality.
Who are Rena Reiss’s peers at other companies?
Rena Reiss’s peers at other companies are Jacqui Krum, John Oddy, Tamre Edwards, Rajendra Misra, James Hunter.
Who are Rena Reiss’s colleagues?
Some of Rena Reiss’s colleagues are Sylvia Romero, James Bednarz, Rena Rickman, Tich Nguyen.
How can I contact Rena Reiss?
Rena Reiss contact details: Email address: r*** Phone number: (301) ***-****
Who is Rena Reiss?

Rena Hozore Reiss is Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Marriott International, Inc. In that role, she leads a global legal team with offices worldwide supporting all facets of Marriott’s business and oversees support of the Company’s Board of Directors and the Board committees. She shares joint oversight of Marriott’s Chief Informatio... n Security Officer with Marriott’s Chief Information and Digital Officer. Ms. Reiss previously held several positions in the Marriott Law Department from 2000 until 2010, including leading the Marriott International legal team supporting the Company’s hotel, resort and residential development efforts in the Americas region and leading the legal team supporting the Global Asset Management function. From 2010 until her return to Marriott in 2017, Ms. Reiss was Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Hyatt Hotels Corporation, where she led Hyatt’s global legal team, provided primary support to Hyatt’s Board of Directors, and oversaw Hyatt’s risk management team and corporate transactions group. Prior to joining Marriott in 2000, Ms. Reiss was a partner at Counts & Kanne, Chartered, in Washington, D.C., served as an Associate General Counsel for the Miami Herald Publishing Company, and practiced law at the law firm of Thomson Muraro Razook & Hart in Miami. Ms. Reiss represents Marriott on the Board of the American Hotel Lodging Association (AHLA) and serves on the AHLA Audit & Investment Committee. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia and the Legal Services Corporation Leaders Council. Ms. Reiss is a member of The Association of General Counsel, an invitation-only organization made up of the chief legal officers of major U.S. corporations. She serves on the Georgetown Law Hotel and Lodging Legal Summit Advisory Board, the DE&I Advisory Board of the ACC National Capital Region, and the Princeton University Alumni Schools Committee. Ms. Reiss was recognized by the National Law Journal with the GC Impact Award in 2022, as a Legend in Law in 2019 by the Burton Awards, and was named to the GC Powerlist: United States 2019, and Women Inc.’s Top Women Corporate Counsel. Ms. Reiss is admitted to the Bar in Florida and the District of Columbia. She received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University and her law degree from Harvard Law School. She and her husband, a journalist, reside in Bethesda, Maryland, and have two adult children.Read More

Where is Rena Reiss based?
Rena Reiss works for Marriott, located at United States
See more information about Rena Reiss

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