Rateb Saadellaoui

Gérant at Charter Security

Rateb Saadellaoui Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Rateb Saadellaoui Work Experience Summary

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Last Update 1/9/2025 9:09 AM

About Rateb Saadellaoui

Rateb Saadellaoui is a Gérant at Charter Security based in London, Greater London. Previously, Rateb was a Technicien Supperieur at TBS Security.Explore more

Rateb Saadellaoui Current Workplace

Charter Security

2021-present (3 years)

Charter Security was founded in 1980. As a family business it set out to do things differently by offering customers exceptional service built around their requirements and not ours. They also focused on valuing their employees and providing a fair and rewarding workplace. Both of these objectives provided the foundations for success. We've since worked with hundreds of clients and have successfully overseen security at a number of prestigious locations including Waterloo Station, Tower Bridge, the Channel Tunnel Rail Link and more recently, the London 2012 Aquatics Centre. Our long-serving and loyal workforce is supported by quality-assured processes and has access to state-of-the-art technology. Our clients have the peace of mind of knowing that we have a host of highly regarded accreditations, including CHAS,Security Industry Authority Approved Contractors Scheme (SIA ACS), ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, SAFE Contractor, and Link - Up. In 2014, Charter Security joined forces withSee more

Rateb Saadellaoui Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Technicien Supperieur

TBS Security


Conducteur Des Travaux

societé tunisienne de travaux électrique


Org Chart - Charter Security






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rateb Saadellaoui

What company does Rateb Saadellaoui work for?
Rateb Saadellaoui works for Charter Security as Gérant
What is Rateb Saadellaoui’s role in Charter Security?
Rateb Saadellaoui’s role in Charter Security is Gérant
What is Rateb Saadellaoui’s direct phone number?
Rateb Saadellaoui’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Rateb Saadellaoui’s work phone number?
Rateb Saadellaoui’s headquarters phone number is +44 2075150771
What is Rateb Saadellaoui’s latest job experience?
Rateb Saadellaoui’s latest job experience is Technicien Supperieur at TBS Security
Which industry does Rateb Saadellaoui work in?
Rateb Saadellaoui works in the industry of Security Products & Services, Business Services.
Who are Rateb Saadellaoui’s peers at other companies?
Rateb Saadellaoui’s peers at other companies are Barnabé Sekongo, Garouma Allal, Antonin Danielson, Rahhal Chebli, Mohammed Dahi.
Who are Rateb Saadellaoui’s colleagues?
Some of Rateb Saadellaoui’s colleagues are Mark Richmond.
Who is Rateb Saadellaoui?

Rateb Saadellaoui is a Gérant at Charter Security based in London, Greater London. Previously, Rateb was a Technicien Supperieur at TBS Security.... Read More

Where is Rateb Saadellaoui based?
Rateb Saadellaoui works for Charter Security, located at United Kingdom
See more information about Rateb Saadellaoui

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