2021-present (4 years)
Rashmi Tripathi Email & Phone number
Rashmi Tripathi Current Workplace
2775 Sanders Rd, Northbrook, Illinois, 60062, United States
Phone Number
(847) 402-5000
Number of Employees
Rashmi Tripathi Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
6Number of job titles
3About Rashmi Tripathi
Rashmi Tripathi is a Senior VP, Corporate Business Transformation at Allstate based in Northbrook, Illinois.
Previously, Rashmi was a Senior VP, Allstate Brand Operations at Allstate.
Rashmi received a Bachelor of Science degree from Roosevelt University and a Master of Business Administration from University of Illinois at Chicago.
Rashmi Tripathi Current Workplace
Allstate Corp
The Allstate Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, engages in property-liability insurance and life insurance business in the United States and Canada. The company's Allstate Protection segment sells private passenger auto, homeowners, and other property-liability insurance products under the Allstate, Esurance, and Encompass brand names. It also offers specialty auto products including motorcycle, trailer, motor home, and off-road vehicle insurance policies; other personal lines products including renter, condominium, landlord, boat, umbrella, and manufactured home insurance policies; commercial lines products for small business owners; roadside assistance products; service contracts; and other products sold in conjunction with auto lending and vehicle sales transactions. This segment sells its products through agencies, as well as directly through contact centers and Internet. The company's Allstate Financial segment provides term, whole, interest-sensitive, and variable lifeSee more
Rashmi Tripathi Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
6Number of job titles
3Work Experience
Bachelor of Science - Marketing
Roosevelt UniversityMaster of Business Administration - Marketing
University of Illinois at ChicagoIntent on Rashmi Tripathi's Company
Interest in Rashmi Tripathi's Company
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rashmi Tripathi
Rashmi Tripathi is a Senior VP, Corporate Business Transformation at Allstate based in Northbrook, Illinois. Previously, Rashmi was a Senior VP, Allstate Brand Operations at Allstate. Rashmi received a Bachelor of Science degree from Roosevelt University and a Master of Business Administration from University of Illinois at Chicago....