Randy Lagutan

Staff Nurse at Al Amana Home Health Care

Randy Lagutan Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Randy Lagutan Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Randy Lagutan Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Randy Lagutan

Randy Lagutan works as a Staff Nurse at Al Amana Home Health Care, which is an Elderly Care Services company with an estimated 16 employees. They are part of Medical & Health Department. Randy is currently based in United Arab Emirates. They used to work at Vigare Medical Hospital and Gov. Roque B. Ablan Memorial Hospital. Found email listings include: r***@alamanahhc.com.Explore more

Randy Lagutan Current Workplace

Al Amana Home Health Care

2016-present (9 years)

Working as a team, we wish to provide you with quality home health care services. Together we can help you reach your maximum potential. Our job is to provide you with a comprehensive and thorough evaluation of the services you will require and follow that evaluation with service tailored to enhance your independence. We will commit ourselves to being the best by working toward the highest standards of excellence in all aspects of our business relationships and at all levels within our organization. We continually train and learn in order to provide the highest quality of evidence-based care for our patients. We understand that our organization needs to satisfy our patients needs. We honor their requests for service and measure our success based on the achievement of our goals and objectives. We ensure that our work environment promotes the attainment of human dignity and self-respect not only for our clients but also for each of our employees. We strive to create a positive experienceSee more

Randy Lagutan Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Staff Nurse

Vigare Medical Hospital


Nurse Volunteer

Gov. Roque B. Ablan Memorial Hospital


Org Chart - Al Amana Home Health Care


Staff Nurse




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Randy Lagutan

What company does Randy Lagutan work for?
Randy Lagutan works for Al Amana Home Health Care as Staff Nurse
What is Randy Lagutan’s role in Al Amana Home Health Care?
Randy Lagutan’s role in Al Amana Home Health Care is Staff Nurse
What is Randy Lagutan’s direct phone number?
Randy Lagutan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Randy Lagutan’s work phone number?
Randy Lagutan’s headquarters phone number is +971 26774188
What is Randy Lagutan’s latest job experience?
Randy Lagutan’s latest job experience is Staff Nurse at Vigare Medical Hospital
Which industry does Randy Lagutan work in?
Randy Lagutan works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Randy Lagutan’s peers at other companies?
Randy Lagutan’s peers at other companies are Corrine Alexander, Anna Regan, David Jude, Carolyn Crawford, Martin Corpus.
Who are Randy Lagutan’s colleagues?
Some of Randy Lagutan’s colleagues are Karren Caulawon, Vida Facurib, Charry Atubang, Thezza Setias.
Where is Randy Lagutan based?
Randy Lagutan works for Al Amana Home Health Care, located at United Arab Emirates
See more information about Randy Lagutan

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