
Randy Coupland

President at Canadian Brass And Copper

Randy Coupland Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(905) ***-****

Randy Coupland Current Workplace


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About Randy Coupland

Randy Coupland is the President at Canadian Brass And Copper based in Concord, Ontario.Explore more

Randy Coupland Current Workplace

Canadian Brass And Copper

2003-present (21 years)

Canadian Brass and Copper Co. was founded 28 years ago to supply brass tubing to the marketplace. We started with a small 3,000 sq. foot warehouse and that has grown to 100,000 sq. feet, thanks to the fact that we provide quality products at competitive prices. Even more growth is on the horizon. Our sales staff has over 200 years of combined experience working with non-ferrous industrial and architectural metals to help ensure that you can produce the best possible product using our materials. With growth has come product diversification, from brasses and coppers to bronzes, stainless steel, aluminum, architectural VMZINC® and VaproShield® building envelope systems. Our sister company, Canadian Brass and Copper Processing Co. takes care of our cut-to-length, custom rewinding and slitting services and is ISO certified. Explore both our products and metal processing services to get a sense of what we can do to help you run your business better.

Org Chart - Canadian Brass And Copper






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Randy Coupland

What company does Randy Coupland work for?
Randy Coupland works for Canadian Brass And Copper as President
What is Randy Coupland’s role in Canadian Brass And Copper?
Randy Coupland’s role in Canadian Brass And Copper is President
What is Randy Coupland’s email address?
Randy Coupland’s email address is r***@cbcmetals.ca
What is Randy Coupland’s business email address?
Randy Coupland’s business email address is r***@cbcmetals.ca
What is Randy Coupland’s direct phone number?
Randy Coupland’s direct phone number is (905) ***-****
What is Randy Coupland’s work phone number?
Randy Coupland’s headquarters phone number is (416) 736-0797
Which industry does Randy Coupland work in?
Randy Coupland works in the industry of Metals & Mining General, Metals & Mining.
Who are Randy Coupland’s peers at other companies?
Randy Coupland’s peers at other companies are Klaus Gehlert, Sarah Musser, Jon Rasche, Jim McDonough, Mark DiGuiseppe.
Who are Randy Coupland’s colleagues?
Some of Randy Coupland’s colleagues are Jane Heary, Yogi Malawski, Dale Brumwell, Geoffrey Roy.
How can I contact Randy Coupland?
Randy Coupland contact details: Email address: r***@cbcmetals.ca Phone number: (905) ***-****
Who is Randy Coupland?

Randy Coupland is the President at Canadian Brass And Copper based in Concord, Ontario.... Read More

Where is Randy Coupland based?
Randy Coupland works for Canadian Brass And Copper, located at Canada
Who is Canadian Brass And Copper’s President?
Canadian Brass And Copper's President is Randy Coupland
See more information about Randy Coupland

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