Randi Cook Email & Phone number

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(205) ***-****

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Last Update 11/8/2024 9:29 AM

About Randi Cook

Randi Cook works at Hamer Law Group, which is a Law Firms & Legal Services company. Randi is currently based in Birmingham, Alabama. Found email listings include: @hamerlawgroup.com.

Randi Cook Current Workplace

Hamer Law Group

2021-present (4 years)

Hamer Law Group is a Birmingham based law firm that is experienced in representing clients in civil litigation on a broad range of matters, in state and federal court, including: business and contract disputes, estate litigation, probate litigation, trust litigation and construction litigation. HLG also represents clients in alternative dispute resolution proceedings such as arbitration and mediation, and provides probate support for other law firms and attorneys in personal injury and wrongful death cases across the state of Alabama.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Randi Cook

What is Randi Cook’s email address?
Randi Cook’s email address is r***@hamerlawgroup.com
What is Randi Cook’s business email address?
Randi Cook’s business email address is r***@hamerlawgroup.com
What is Randi Cook’s direct phone number?
Randi Cook’s direct phone number is (205) ***-****
What is Randi Cook’s work phone number?
Randi Cook’s headquarters phone number is (855) 414-2637
Which industry does Randi Cook work in?
Randi Cook works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
How can I contact Randi Cook?
Randi Cook contact details: Email address: r***@hamerlawgroup.com Phone number: (205) ***-****
Where is Randi Cook based?
Randi Cook works for Hamer Law Group, located at United States