2020-present (4 years)
Ramon Aristy
Enterprise Application Operations Director, Information Technology at Levi Strauss & Company
Ramon Aristy Email & Phone number
Ramon Aristy Current Workplace
Levi's Plaza 1155 Battery St, San Francisco, California, 94111, United States
Phone Number
(415) 501-6000
Number of Employees
Ramon Aristy Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
14Number of job titles
3About Ramon Aristy
Ramon Aristy is an Enterprise Application Operations Director, Information Technology at Levi Strauss & Company based in San Francisco, California.
Previously, Ramon was a Senior Manager, Information Technology at Levi Strauss & Company.
Ramon Aristy Current Workplace
Levi Strauss & Company
Levi Strauss & Co. designs, markets, and sells apparels and related accessories for men, women, and children worldwide. The company offers jeans, casual and dress pants, activewears, tops, shorts, skirts, dresses, jumpsuits, shirts, sweaters, jackets, footwear, and related accessories under the Levi's, Dockers, Signature by Levi Strauss & Co., Denizen, and Beyond Yoga brands. It also licenses Levi's and Dockers trademarks for various product categories, including footwear, belts, wallets, bags, outerwear, sweaters, dress shirts, kids wear, sleepwear, and hosiery. In addition, the company sells its products through third-party retailers, such as department stores, specialty retailers, third-party e-commerce sites, and franchisees; and directly to consumers through various formats, including company-operated mainline and outlet stores, company-operated e-commerce sites, and select shop-in-shops located in department stores and other third-party retail locations. Further, it operates branSee more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ramon Aristy
Ramon Aristy is an Enterprise Application Operations Director, Information Technology at Levi Strauss & Company based in San Francisco, California. Previously, Ramon was a Senior Manager, Information Technology at Levi Strauss & Company....