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1Average duration at a company (years)
<1Last Update 11/24/2024 11:42 AM
About Ramil Solis
Ramil Solis works at OMNIA, which is a Business Services company with an estimated 10 employees. They are part of Operations Department. Ramil is currently based in Saudi Arabia. Found email listings include: @omnia-rd.com.Explore more
Ramil Solis Current Workplace
Breaking all geographic boundaries and time zones, Omnia360 paves the way for a seamless connection for Informa's exhibitors, visitors and all other stakeholders across the spectrum of the healthcare industry. With the listed companies updating their information throughout the year Omnia360 becomes a real-time resource pool for these companies and their products. Visitors can watch product demonstration videos, view PDFs and brochures, download catalogues as well as interact with multiple companies on the portal. Omnia's engaging tools like 'Add to Favourite List' & 'Request for Information' makes planning for a trade show more effective for both visitors and exhibitors. Apart from being able to connect with the exhibitors before, during and after the show, visitors can create a wish list of companies and products of interest and download these interactive tools to personal devices for future reference and planning. Through Omnia, listed companies get genuine business enquiries and visSee more
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