Ramagiri Sailesh

Administrative Clerk at Marri industries Pvt

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Ramagiri Sailesh Current Workplace


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About Ramagiri Sailesh

Ramagiri Sailesh is an Administrative Clerk at Marri industries Pvt based in Old Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.Explore more

Ramagiri Sailesh Current Workplace

Marri industries Pvt

2022-present (2 years)

With a previous background of decades of print production experience, the directors established Marri Industries to cater to the print, design and media advertising and planning requirements of the client, thereby adding unique value to the overall range of services. With all these interrelated services under one roof, a campaign is able to go from concept to delivery to the target audience with greater efficiency and lower intermediary costs. Our range of services includes but is not limited to: Large format printing such as billboards, banners, stickers UV Flatbed printing on surfaces such as glass, wood, tiles, sun boards and any other rigid surface. Table flags and all types of flags printing. Rigid Box making such as Sweet Boxes, Gift Boxes, Mobile Boxes and Jewelry Boxes Screen printing on t-shirts, caps and other promotional materials LED and non LED signboards Logo designing and producing creative artworks We Serves to ?

Org Chart - Marri industries Pvt


Administrative Clerk




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ramagiri Sailesh

What company does Ramagiri Sailesh work for?
Ramagiri Sailesh works for Marri industries Pvt as Administrative Clerk
What is Ramagiri Sailesh’s role in Marri industries Pvt?
Ramagiri Sailesh’s role in Marri industries Pvt is Administrative Clerk
What is Ramagiri Sailesh’s direct phone number?
Ramagiri Sailesh’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Ramagiri Sailesh work in?
Ramagiri Sailesh works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Ramagiri Sailesh’s peers at other companies?
Ramagiri Sailesh’s peers at other companies are Everlyne Wanjiku, Nicole Barbour, Silindokuhle Hlomuka, Lerato Khaile, Tshilidzi Manyaga.
Who are Ramagiri Sailesh’s colleagues?
Some of Ramagiri Sailesh’s colleagues are Anil Ganga, Venkat Anji, Jayasaikrishna Narra.
Who is Ramagiri Sailesh?

Ramagiri Sailesh is an Administrative Clerk at Marri industries Pvt based in Old Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.... Read More

Where is Ramagiri Sailesh based?
Ramagiri Sailesh works for Marri industries Pvt, located at India
See more information about Ramagiri Sailesh

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