Ramadan Mutlu

Ramadan Mutlu Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Ramadan Mutlu Current Workplace




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Ramadan Mutlu Work Experience Summary

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About Ramadan Mutlu

Ramadan Mutlu is a İş Güvenliği Uzmanı (B) at Masachi based in Bursa, Bursa. Previously, Ramadan was a Üretim Müdürü at Masachi.Explore more

Ramadan Mutlu Current Workplace


2013-present (12 years)

In order to add a different and innovative breath to the sector; It continues to make a difference with its radical lines that will be accepted, creative design, specific colors and materials, quality products, customer satisfaction and lastly, friendly service. Combining all of these with excitement and belief, the result is to become the "POLE STAR" of the sector. With the appreciation of those who prefer Masachi, our brand celebrates its 22nd year; We continue to dream and turn these dreams into reality with our technology-based, quality-oriented, young and dynamic team. With the Project Department pre-sales and after-sales services, we offer not only products but also value-added services. With our brand, we aim to meet the needs and expectations of our customers with quality products and services in all social areas such as offices, institutions and campuses, and we diversify our collection with new functions by appealing to changing tastes. We continue to implement innovative ideSee more

Ramadan Mutlu Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

ÜRetim Müdürü



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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ramadan Mutlu

What is Ramadan Mutlu’s email address?
Ramadan Mutlu’s email address is r***@masachi.com
What is Ramadan Mutlu’s business email address?
Ramadan Mutlu’s business email address is r***@masachi.com
What is Ramadan Mutlu’s direct phone number?
Ramadan Mutlu’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ramadan Mutlu’s work phone number?
Ramadan Mutlu’s headquarters phone number is +90 2244842727
What is Ramadan Mutlu’s latest job experience?
Ramadan Mutlu’s latest job experience is ÜRetim Müdürü at Masachi
Which industry does Ramadan Mutlu work in?
Ramadan Mutlu works in the industry of Furniture, Manufacturing.
Who are Ramadan Mutlu’s colleagues?
Some of Ramadan Mutlu’s colleagues are Bysra Bayrak, Aylin Özdil, Yavuz Köy, Gizem Göktürk.
How can I contact Ramadan Mutlu?
Ramadan Mutlu contact details: Email address: r***@masachi.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ramadan Mutlu?

Ramadan Mutlu is a İş Güvenliği Uzmanı (B) at Masachi based in Bursa, Bursa. Previously, Ramadan was a Üretim Müdürü at Masachi.... Read More

Where is Ramadan Mutlu based?
Ramadan Mutlu works for Masachi, located at Turkey
See more information about Ramadan Mutlu

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