Rakesh Shetty

Managing Director at Ogis Engineering

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About Rakesh Shetty

Rakesh Shetty is a Managing Director at Ogis Engineering based in Milperra, New South Wales.Explore more

Rakesh Shetty Current Workplace

Ogis Engineering

2021-present (3 years)

Ogis Engineering Pty. Ltd. with over 50 years of experience is a trusted name in the metal engineering industry in Australia, offering exceptional metal fabrication capabilities for various purposes. Their services include project management, design prototyping, tube bending, rolling, CNC machining, welding, and finishes for architectural, urban art, furniture, gates, and fences, catering to a wide range of clients. Their expertise in customized projects and quality workmanship have earned the trust of prominent companies such as Sebel Furniture Ltd, KE-ZU, and BHP Billiton.

Org Chart - Ogis Engineering

Managing Director





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rakesh Shetty

What company does Rakesh Shetty work for?
Rakesh Shetty works for Ogis Engineering as Managing Director
What is Rakesh Shetty’s role in Ogis Engineering?
Rakesh Shetty’s role in Ogis Engineering is Managing Director
What is Rakesh Shetty’s direct phone number?
Rakesh Shetty’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Rakesh Shetty’s work phone number?
Rakesh Shetty’s headquarters phone number is +61 293133777
Which industry does Rakesh Shetty work in?
Rakesh Shetty works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Rakesh Shetty’s peers at other companies?
Rakesh Shetty’s peers at other companies are Michael Do, Craig Schipper, John Goddard, Jacob Genauer, Ahmed Dalibaltah.
Who are Rakesh Shetty’s colleagues?
Some of Rakesh Shetty’s colleagues are Fatima Al Tallal, Kevin Adler, Maria Daehn, Angelo Legovic.
Who is Rakesh Shetty?

Rakesh Shetty is a Managing Director at Ogis Engineering based in Milperra, New South Wales.... Read More

Where is Rakesh Shetty based?
Rakesh Shetty works for Ogis Engineering, located at Australia
See more information about Rakesh Shetty

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