
Rakesh Pandey

Senior Manager, Secretarial & Legal at Transasia Bio-Medicals

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+91 ** **** ****

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About Rakesh Pandey

Rakesh Pandey is a Senior Manager, Secretarial & Legal at Transasia Bio-Medicals based in Mumbai, Maharashtra.Explore more

Rakesh Pandey Current Workplace

Transasia Bio-Medicals

2012-present (13 years)

Founded in 1979, Transasia Bio-Medicals Ltd., India's Leading In-vitro Diagnostic Company offers products and solutions in Biochemistry, Hematology, Coagulation, ESR, Immunology, Urinalysis, Critical Care, Diabetes Management, Microbiology and Molecular Diagnostics. Transasia provides doctors and patients with reliable, affordable and innovative Medical Diagnostic Systems, with an impressive install base of above 65,000 equipment across India. It has a vast network of the more than 300+ service and application support specialists, 400+ sales and marketing team, 24 zonal offices and 350+ distributors. It is the first Indian company to manufacture and export blood analyzers and reagents, in the 1990s. Today, Transasia's indigenous research has resulted in development of state of the art, 'Make in India' products and technologies, enabling its products to be among the best in the world. All along its journey spanning more than three decades, Transasia has been recognized for its commitmenSee more

Org Chart - Transasia Bio-Medicals


Senior Manager, Secretarial & Legal




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rakesh Pandey

What company does Rakesh Pandey work for?
Rakesh Pandey works for Transasia Bio-Medicals as Senior Manager, Secretarial & Legal
What is Rakesh Pandey’s role in Transasia Bio-Medicals?
Rakesh Pandey’s role in Transasia Bio-Medicals is Senior Manager, Secretarial & Legal
What is Rakesh Pandey’s email address?
Rakesh Pandey’s email address is r***@transasia.co.in
What is Rakesh Pandey’s business email address?
Rakesh Pandey’s business email address is r***@transasia.co.in
What is Rakesh Pandey’s direct phone number?
Rakesh Pandey’s direct phone number is +91 ** **** ****
What is Rakesh Pandey’s work phone number?
Rakesh Pandey’s headquarters phone number is +91 2240309000
Which industry does Rakesh Pandey work in?
Rakesh Pandey works in the industry of Medical Devices & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Rakesh Pandey’s colleagues?
Some of Rakesh Pandey’s colleagues are Mahesh Kanaskar, Gayatri Pawar, Sarita Kutty, Nilesh Jangale.
How can I contact Rakesh Pandey?
Rakesh Pandey contact details: Email address: r***@transasia.co.in Phone number: +91 ** **** ****
Who is Rakesh Pandey?

Rakesh Pandey is a Senior Manager, Secretarial & Legal at Transasia Bio-Medicals based in Mumbai, Maharashtra.... Read More

Where is Rakesh Pandey based?
Rakesh Pandey works for Transasia Bio-Medicals, located at India
See more information about Rakesh Pandey

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