
Rae Latumbo

Center Manager at Baumhaus

Rae Latumbo Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Rae Latumbo Current Workplace




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Rae Latumbo Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Rae Latumbo

Rae Latumbo is the Center Manager at Baumhaus, responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the creative arts center. Prior to her current role, she served as a Creative Arts Educator at Baumhaus, where she developed and facilitated engaging educational programs. Rae holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Asia Pacific College, where she honed her passion for the arts and community engagement.Explore more

Rae Latumbo Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

The wooden play area-a miniature version of our German-made treehouses-are designed by early childhood professionals, and specifically tailored to address the needs of a mobile infant/ young toddlers who need to learn to move independently -with little adult intervention as possible. This is different from the foam-padded play areas. For one, the natural material allows children real feedback for the hands and feet, and engages muscles they need to flex, and allow children to move without adult assistance-thereby helping them discover how to move independently, make their own choices, and have confidence in their capabilities. This play area and the other educational implements is for exclusive use of children in the FIT program. How is our program different from other infant and toddler playgroups? Our program is based on our understanding that the needs of infants and young toddlers are very different from school-aged children. This means we do NOT overstimulate children with too manSee more

Rae Latumbo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Creative Arts Educator



Early Childhood Educator

SPRING Learning



Dining Concepts



Azzuro Hotel




Bachelor of Arts - BA

Asia Pacific College

Bachelor of Science - Hotel and Restaurant Management

Systems Plus College Foundation

Org Chart - Baumhaus


Center Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rae Latumbo

What company does Rae Latumbo work for?
Rae Latumbo works for Baumhaus as Center Manager
What is Rae Latumbo’s role in Baumhaus?
Rae Latumbo’s role in Baumhaus is Center Manager
What is Rae Latumbo’s email address?
Rae Latumbo’s email address is r***@baumhaus.com.hk
What is Rae Latumbo’s business email address?
Rae Latumbo’s business email address is r***@baumhaus.com.hk
What is Rae Latumbo’s direct phone number?
Rae Latumbo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Rae Latumbo’s work phone number?
Rae Latumbo’s headquarters phone number is +852 23215898
What is Rae Latumbo’s latest job experience?
Rae Latumbo’s latest job experience is Creative Arts Educator at Baumhaus
What is Rae Latumbo’s latest education?
Rae Latumbo’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - BA at Asia Pacific College
Which industry does Rae Latumbo work in?
Rae Latumbo works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Rae Latumbo’s peers at other companies?
Rae Latumbo’s peers at other companies are Tawana Robinson, Keila Allen, Becky Freeman, JoAnne Dodge, Lauren Bownds.
Who are Rae Latumbo’s colleagues?
Some of Rae Latumbo’s colleagues are Judy Honor.
How can I contact Rae Latumbo?
Rae Latumbo contact details: Email address: r***@baumhaus.com.hk Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Rae Latumbo?

Rae Latumbo is the Center Manager at Baumhaus, responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the creative arts center. Prior to her current role, she served as a Creative Arts Educator at Baumhaus, where she developed and facilitated engaging educational programs. Rae holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Asia Pacific College, where she ho... ned her passion for the arts and community engagement.Read More

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