
Rachel Brooker

Manager, Quality at Hyperion Materials & Technologies

Rachel Brooker Email & Phone number


(614) ***-****

Rachel Brooker Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Rachel Brooker Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Rachel Brooker

Rachel Brooker is a Manager, Quality at Hyperion Materials & Technologies based in Worthington, Ohio. Previously, Rachel was a Mesh Process Engineer at Sandvik.

Rachel Brooker Current Workplace

We are a global leader in advanced materials with decades of experience developing and manufacturing tungsten carbide powders, cemented carbide, synthetic diamond, and cubic boron nitride products.

Rachel Brooker Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Mesh Process Engineer



Org Chart - Hyperion Materials & Technologies

Rachel Brooker

Manager, Quality

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rachel Brooker

What company does Rachel Brooker work for?
Rachel Brooker works for Hyperion Materials & Technologies as Manager, Quality
What is Rachel Brooker’s role in Hyperion Materials & Technologies?
Rachel Brooker’s role in Hyperion Materials & Technologies is Manager, Quality
What is Rachel Brooker’s email address?
Rachel Brooker’s email address is r***@hyperionmt.com
What is Rachel Brooker’s business email address?
Rachel Brooker’s business email address is r***@hyperionmt.com
What is Rachel Brooker’s direct phone number?
Rachel Brooker’s direct phone number is (614) ***-****
What is Rachel Brooker’s work phone number?
Rachel Brooker’s headquarters phone number is (614) 438-2000
What is Rachel Brooker’s latest job experience?
Rachel Brooker’s latest job experience is Mesh Process Engineer at Sandvik
Which industry does Rachel Brooker work in?
Rachel Brooker works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Rachel Brooker’s peers at other companies?
Rachel Brooker’s peers at other companies are Strobbe Charles, Michael Labbe, Joseph Irish, Nader Shaker, Michael Grannis.
Who are Rachel Brooker’s colleagues?
Some of Rachel Brooker’s colleagues are Isaias De, Karen Ruiz, Victor Roberto, Caleb Edgar.
How can I contact Rachel Brooker?
Rachel Brooker contact details: Email address: r***@hyperionmt.com Phone number: (614) ***-****
Who is Rachel Brooker?

Rachel Brooker is a Manager, Quality at Hyperion Materials & Technologies based in Worthington, Ohio. Previously, Rachel was a Mesh Process Engineer at Sandvik....

Where is Rachel Brooker based?
Rachel Brooker works for Hyperion Materials & Technologies, located at United States