Rachael Spudowski

Administrative Assistant at Bogas & Koncius

Rachael Spudowski Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Rachael Spudowski Current Workplace



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About Rachael Spudowski

Rachael Spudowski is the Administrative Assistant at BOGAS & KONCIUS based in Bingham Farms, Michigan.Explore more

Rachael Spudowski Current Workplace

Bogas & Koncius

2013-present (12 years)

You need a lawyer who knows what youre going through, whether you are an employee who has been wronged or an employer wanting to follow the law. BOGAS & KONCIUS P.C. has the finest litigators in the State of Michigan working to protect your rights. Our specialization in employment law provides our attorneys with the expertise and experience that has allowed us to be successful in any forum, from litigation in the State and Federal Courts, to arbitration and mediation, to negotiating contracts or severance packages. We have litigated client claims through the trial courts, the Courts of Appeals,the Michigan Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court, creating significant precedent in employment law that benefits all of our clients. We maintain memberships in state and national employment law organizations such as the National Employment Lawyers Association, the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers, the State Bar of Michigan Labor and Employment Law Section, the Michigan EmploySee more

Org Chart - Bogas & Koncius


Administrative Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rachael Spudowski

What company does Rachael Spudowski work for?
Rachael Spudowski works for Bogas & Koncius as Administrative Assistant
What is Rachael Spudowski’s role in Bogas & Koncius?
Rachael Spudowski’s role in Bogas & Koncius is Administrative Assistant
What is Rachael Spudowski’s direct phone number?
Rachael Spudowski’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Rachael Spudowski’s work phone number?
Rachael Spudowski’s headquarters phone number is (248) 502-5000
Which industry does Rachael Spudowski work in?
Rachael Spudowski works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Rachael Spudowski’s peers at other companies?
Rachael Spudowski’s peers at other companies are Dianne MacPherson, Kimberly Borai, Faith Hoynoski, Deborah Brown, Lynda Vanpelt-Ronconi.
Who are Rachael Spudowski’s colleagues?
Some of Rachael Spudowski’s colleagues are Kathleen Bogas, Jacy Shumate, Brian Koncius, Emma Dwoskin.
Who is Rachael Spudowski?

Rachael Spudowski is the Administrative Assistant at BOGAS & KONCIUS based in Bingham Farms, Michigan.... Read More

Where is Rachael Spudowski based?
Rachael Spudowski works for Bogas & Koncius, located at United States
See more information about Rachael Spudowski

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