
Rachael Jacob

Senior Sales Consultant at Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Rachael Jacob Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(484) ***-****

Rachael Jacob Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Rachael Jacob Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Rachael Jacob

Rachael Jacob is a Senior Sales Consultant at Enterprise Rent-A-Car based in St. Louis, Missouri. Previously, Rachael was a Head Teller at Truist Financial. Rachael received a Bachelor of Elementary / Special Education Dual Cert. degree from Lebanon Valley College and a Master from Alvernia University.Explore more

Rachael Jacob Current Workplace

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

2016-present (9 years)

Enterprise is an extended family of more than 65,000; a world-class company with homegrown roots. Through tremendous leadership and the entrepreneurial spirit of our employees, we've built the largest rental car company in North America customer by customer, car by car from the ground up. But our goal has never been to be the biggest; we simply work hard to be the best.

Rachael Jacob Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Head Teller

Truist Financial


Financial Services Rl Representative IV

Truist Financial




Bachelor of Elementary / Special Education Dual Cert.

Lebanon Valley College

Master - Community Service & Economic Leadership

Alvernia University

Org Chart - Enterprise Rent-A-Car


Senior Sales Consultant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rachael Jacob

What company does Rachael Jacob work for?
Rachael Jacob works for Enterprise Rent-A-Car as Senior Sales Consultant
What is Rachael Jacob’s role in Enterprise Rent-A-Car?
Rachael Jacob’s role in Enterprise Rent-A-Car is Senior Sales Consultant
What is Rachael Jacob’s email address?
Rachael Jacob’s email address is r***@enterprise.com
What is Rachael Jacob’s business email address?
Rachael Jacob’s business email address is r***@enterprise.com
What is Rachael Jacob’s direct phone number?
Rachael Jacob’s direct phone number is (484) ***-****
What is Rachael Jacob’s work phone number?
Rachael Jacob’s headquarters phone number is (855) 266-9565
What is Rachael Jacob’s latest job experience?
Rachael Jacob’s latest job experience is Head Teller at Truist Financial
What is Rachael Jacob’s latest education?
Rachael Jacob’s latest education in Bachelor of Elementary / Special Education Dual Cert. at Lebanon Valley College
Which industry does Rachael Jacob work in?
Rachael Jacob works in the industry of Car & Truck Rental, Consumer Services.
Who are Rachael Jacob’s peers at other companies?
Rachael Jacob’s peers at other companies are Shawn Weber, Aaron Belisle, Jason Holcomb, Matthew Peterson, Jimmy Katumba.
Who are Rachael Jacob’s colleagues?
Some of Rachael Jacob’s colleagues are Paige VanSyckle, Stephen Poser, David Godfrey, Fredrick Matthew.
How can I contact Rachael Jacob?
Rachael Jacob contact details: Email address: r***@enterprise.com Phone number: (484) ***-****
Who is Rachael Jacob?

Rachael Jacob is a Senior Sales Consultant at Enterprise Rent-A-Car based in St. Louis, Missouri. Previously, Rachael was a Head Teller at Truist Financial. Rachael received a Bachelor of Elementary / Special Education Dual Cert. degree from Lebanon Valley College and a Master from Alvernia University.... Read More

Where is Rachael Jacob based?
Rachael Jacob works for Enterprise Rent-A-Car, located at United States
See more information about Rachael Jacob

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