2019-present (5 years)
Quinton Alston Email & Phone number
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(213) ***-****
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Quinton Alston Current Workplace
4401 Atlantic Ave 241, Long Beach, California, 90807, United States
(562) 216-1515
Number of Employees
Quinton Alston Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
2Number of job titles
3Last Update 1/16/2025 8:06 PM
About Quinton Alston
Quinton Alston is a Litigation Paralegal at The Associates based in Dallas, Texas.
Previously, Quinton was an and Associates at McGee , Lerer & Associates and also held positions at Steers & Associates.
Quinton received a Associate of Paralegal Science degree from Western Technical College.
Quinton Alston Current Workplace
McGee , Lerer & Associates
McGee, Lerer & Associates consists of husband and wife attorney team, Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer. We have 40+ years of combined legal experience representing accident victims, including victims of: car accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, and dog bite incidents. Our firm specializes in catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases. Our lawyers have a track record of obtaining multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements. With our personal injury expertise, the financial resources to thoroughly work up a case, and our trial experience, we are able to obtain maximum compensation for injury victims and their families. Clients hire McGee, Lerer & Associates because they want an attorney they can trust. They want a lawyer who will listen to their concerns and prioritize what's important to the client. They want a law firm that will be honest with them about the strengths and weaknesses of their case. We don't tell you what we think you want to hear so that you will hireSee more
Quinton Alston Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
2Number of job titles
3Work Experience
Personal Injury Paralegal
The Law Office of Steers & Associates2019-2019
Legal Assistant & Paralegal
Law Offices of A.D. Williams A.P.C.2018-2019
Associate of Paralegal Science
Western Technical CollegeOrg Chart - McGee , Lerer & Associates
Quinton Alston
Litigation Paralegal
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Quinton Alston
Quinton Alston is a Litigation Paralegal at The Associates based in Dallas, Texas. Previously, Quinton was an and Associates at McGee , Lerer & Associates and also held positions at Steers & Associates. Quinton received a Associate of Paralegal Science degree from Western Technical College....