Promise Kirk

Sales Representative at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands

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(***) ***-****

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Promise Kirk Work Experience Summary

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About Promise Kirk

Promise Kirk works as a Sales Representative at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands, which is a Manufacturing company with an estimated 6 employees. They are part of Sales Department and their management level is Non-Manager. Promise is currently based in Ghana. They used to work at PROMISE POULTRY. Found email listings include: p***@kfonb.com.Explore more

Promise Kirk Current Workplace

Kirk's Family of Natural Brands

2022-present (3 years)

Kirk's Family of Natural Brands is one of America's oldest soap makers, established over 180 years ago, and includes brands such as Kirks, The Grandpa Soap Company, and SoF Body Care, offering a wide range of over 80 body care products. The company specializes in creating high-quality, natural personal care products that are free from harmful additives and suitable for sensitive skin. Their commitment to sustainability and ethical practices is reflected in their certifications, including WBENC and Leaping Bunny, and their focus on vegan, non-GMO ingredients. Targeted towards families seeking effective and gentle body care solutions, Kirk's combines tradition with innovation in their approach to personal care.

Promise Kirk Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Manager



Org Chart - Kirk's Family of Natural Brands


Sales Representative




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Promise Kirk

What company does Promise Kirk work for?
Promise Kirk works for Kirk's Family of Natural Brands as Sales Representative
What is Promise Kirk’s role in Kirk's Family of Natural Brands?
Promise Kirk’s role in Kirk's Family of Natural Brands is Sales Representative
What is Promise Kirk’s direct phone number?
Promise Kirk’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Promise Kirk’s latest job experience?
Promise Kirk’s latest job experience is Project Manager at PROMISE POULTRY
Which industry does Promise Kirk work in?
Promise Kirk works in the industry of Manufacturing General, Manufacturing.
Who are Promise Kirk’s peers at other companies?
Promise Kirk’s peers at other companies are Taylor Ort, Michael Tollner, Nestor Quijano, Frank Hinca, Anne Wang.
Who are Promise Kirk’s colleagues?
Some of Promise Kirk’s colleagues are Tori Hemsath, Bob Hoegler, Maria Barrera, Caitlyn Hensley.
See more information about Promise Kirk

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