Priyanka Gupta

Financial Analyst at Avery Dennison

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About Priyanka Gupta

Priyanka Gupta is a Financial Analyst at Avery Dennison based in Mentor, Ohio.Explore more

Priyanka Gupta Current Workplace

Avery Dennison

2015-present (10 years)

Avery Dennison Corporation produces and sells pressure-sensitive materials worldwide. The companys Label and Graphic Materials segment offers pressure-sensitive labeling materials; packaging materials and solutions; roll-fed sleeves; engineered films; graphic imaging media; and reflective materials under the Fasson, JAC, and Avery Dennison brands. It serves label converters, package designers, packaging engineers and manufacturers, industrial and sign manufacturers, printers, distributors, designers, advertising and government agencies, and graphics vendors. Its Retail Branding and Information Solutions segment designs, manufactures, and sells various branding and information solutions, including creative services, brand embellishments, graphic tickets, tags and labels, sustainable packaging, inventory visibility and loss prevention solutions, data management services, price tickets, printers and scanners, radio-frequency identification inlays and tags, and brand protection and securitSee more

Org Chart - Avery Dennison


Financial Analyst




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Priyanka Gupta

What company does Priyanka Gupta work for?
Priyanka Gupta works for Avery Dennison as Financial Analyst
What is Priyanka Gupta’s role in Avery Dennison?
Priyanka Gupta’s role in Avery Dennison is Financial Analyst
What is Priyanka Gupta’s email address?
Priyanka Gupta’s email address is g***@paxar.com
What is Priyanka Gupta’s business email address?
Priyanka Gupta’s business email address is g***@paxar.com
What is Priyanka Gupta’s direct phone number?
Priyanka Gupta’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Priyanka Gupta’s work phone number?
Priyanka Gupta’s headquarters phone number is (440) 534-6000
Which industry does Priyanka Gupta work in?
Priyanka Gupta works in the industry of Plastic, Packaging & Containers, Manufacturing.
Who are Priyanka Gupta’s peers at other companies?
Priyanka Gupta’s peers at other companies are Jennifer Anderson, Mike Mikulich, Amy Sowl, Chao Lee, Carolina Santos.
Who are Priyanka Gupta’s colleagues?
Some of Priyanka Gupta’s colleagues are Jimmy Kinch, Lulu Paul, Jeff Little, Donna. Pass.
How can I contact Priyanka Gupta?
Priyanka Gupta contact details: Email address: g***@paxar.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Priyanka Gupta?

Priyanka Gupta is a Financial Analyst at Avery Dennison based in Mentor, Ohio.... Read More

Where is Priyanka Gupta based?
Priyanka Gupta works for Avery Dennison, located at United States
See more information about Priyanka Gupta

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