
Priya Kumthekar

Assistant Professor In the Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology and Medicine-Hematology and Oncology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital

Priya Kumthekar Email & Phone number


(312) ***-****

Priya Kumthekar Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Priya Kumthekar Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Priya Kumthekar

Priya Kumthekar is an Assistant Professor In the Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology and Medicine-Hematology and Oncology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Priya was an Associate Professor at International Institute for Nanotechnology and also held positions at Flex, The Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology. Priya received a medical degree degree from Northeastern Ohio University and a MD from Northwestern University.

Priya Kumthekar Current Workplace

Northwestern Memorial Hospital

2010-present (15 years)

Northwestern Memorial is one of the country's premier academic medical center hospitals and is the primary teaching hospital of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Along with its Prentice Women's Hospital and Stone Institute of Psychiatry, the hospital has 1,705 affiliated physicians and 6,769 employees. Northwestern Memorial is recognized for providing exemplary patient care and state-of-the art advancements in the areas of cardiovascular care; women's health; oncology; neurology and neurosurgery; solid organ and soft tissue transplants and orthopaedics. Northwestern Memorial has nursing Magnet Status, the nation's highest recognition for patient care and nursing excellence. And, Northwestern Memorial ranks 12th in the nation in the U.S. News & World Report 2012 Honor Roll of "America's Best Hospitals". The hospital is ranked in 12 of 16 clinical specialties rated by U.S. News and is No. 1 in Illinois and Chicago in U.S. News' 2012 state and metro rankings, respecSee more

Priya Kumthekar Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associate Professor

International Institute for Nanotechnology


United Counsel



Executive Officer for Neuro-Oncology

The Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology





medical degree

Northeastern Ohio University


Northwestern University


Northwestern Brain Tumor Institute
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Medical Advisor

Vivacitas Oncology


Org Chart - Northwestern Memorial Hospital

Priya Kumthekar

Assistant Professor In the Ken and ...

Recent News About Priya Kumthekar

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Priya Kumthekar

What company does Priya Kumthekar work for?
Priya Kumthekar works for Northwestern Memorial Hospital as Assistant Professor In the Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology and Medicine-Hematology and Oncology
What is Priya Kumthekar’s role in Northwestern Memorial Hospital?
Priya Kumthekar’s role in Northwestern Memorial Hospital is Assistant Professor In the Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology and Medicine-Hematology and Oncology
What is Priya Kumthekar’s email address?
Priya Kumthekar’s email address is p***@nm.org
What is Priya Kumthekar’s business email address?
Priya Kumthekar’s business email address is p***@nm.org
What is Priya Kumthekar’s direct phone number?
Priya Kumthekar’s direct phone number is (312) ***-****
What is Priya Kumthekar’s work phone number?
Priya Kumthekar’s headquarters phone number is (312) 926-2000
What is Priya Kumthekar’s latest job experience?
Priya Kumthekar’s latest job experience is Associate Professor at International Institute for Nanotechnology
What is Priya Kumthekar’s latest education?
Priya Kumthekar’s latest education in medical degree at Northeastern Ohio University
Which industry does Priya Kumthekar work in?
Priya Kumthekar works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Priya Kumthekar’s colleagues?
Some of Priya Kumthekar’s colleagues are Jeff Stiers, Cooper Holmes, Melina Masihi, Peter Wojtowicz.
How can I contact Priya Kumthekar?
Priya Kumthekar contact details: Email address: p***@nm.org Phone number: (312) ***-****
Who is Priya Kumthekar?

Priya Kumthekar is an Assistant Professor In the Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology and Medicine-Hematology and Oncology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Priya was an Associate Professor at International Institute for Nanotechnology and also held positions at Flex, The Alliance for Clinical Trials i... n Oncology. Priya received a medical degree degree from Northeastern Ohio University and a MD from Northwestern University.

Where is Priya Kumthekar based?
Priya Kumthekar works for Northwestern Memorial Hospital, located at United States