Pritha Venkatachalam

Director at Cambridge Economic Policy Associates

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Pritha Venkatachalam Work Experience Summary

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About Pritha Venkatachalam

Pritha Venkatachalam is a Director at Cambridge Economic Policy Associates based in London, Greater London. Previously, Pritha was a Consultant at Accenture and also held positions at World Bank Group. Pritha received a MBA degree from Indian Institute of Management , Bangalore and a MBA Exchange Program from Melbourne Business School.Explore more

Pritha Venkatachalam Current Workplace

To date, we have worked on over 500 projects in over 50 countries, with our analysis drawing upon expertise and insight from across CEPA's service lines and sector offerings. Our Energy, Water and Transport Practices work with leading regulators, governments, research groups and companies. Our clients across these practices include: British Airways; Centrica; the Civil Aviation Authority; the Competition Commission of Singapore; the Czech Ministry of the Environment; EdF Energy; EirGrid; the Energy Users Association of Australia; Heathrow Airport; Ofgem; Ofwat; Transport for London; the UK and South African Departments for Transport; Thames Water; the World Bank and many others. You would be joining a dynamic team of nearly 40 full-time economists working across a range of sectors, and offering a wide range of skills, experience and interests. Our project teams are flexible and enable you to work with a wide range of staff members, associates and industry experts. We don't operate usinSee more

Pritha Venkatachalam Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Financial Specialist

World Bank Group







MBA - Finance

Indian Institute of Management , Bangalore

MBA Exchange Program

Melbourne Business School

Masters - Development Management

London School of Economics

Org Chart - Cambridge Economic Policy Associates






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pritha Venkatachalam

What company does Pritha Venkatachalam work for?
Pritha Venkatachalam works for Cambridge Economic Policy Associates as Director
What is Pritha Venkatachalam’s role in Cambridge Economic Policy Associates?
Pritha Venkatachalam’s role in Cambridge Economic Policy Associates is Director
What is Pritha Venkatachalam’s direct phone number?
Pritha Venkatachalam’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Pritha Venkatachalam’s work phone number?
Pritha Venkatachalam’s headquarters phone number is +44 2072690210
What is Pritha Venkatachalam’s latest job experience?
Pritha Venkatachalam’s latest job experience is Financial Specialist at World Bank Group
What is Pritha Venkatachalam’s latest education?
Pritha Venkatachalam’s latest education in MBA - Finance at Indian Institute of Management , Bangalore
Which industry does Pritha Venkatachalam work in?
Pritha Venkatachalam works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Pritha Venkatachalam’s peers at other companies?
Pritha Venkatachalam’s peers at other companies are Daniel Kent, Lee Mauss, Ashraf Currimjee, Nick Radford, Jon Bernard.
Who are Pritha Venkatachalam’s colleagues?
Some of Pritha Venkatachalam’s colleagues are Ella Pybus, Edenilson Cepa.
Who is Pritha Venkatachalam?

Pritha Venkatachalam is a Director at Cambridge Economic Policy Associates based in London, Greater London. Previously, Pritha was a Consultant at Accenture and also held positions at World Bank Group. Pritha received a MBA degree from Indian Institute of Management , Bangalore and a MBA Exchange Program from Melbourne Business School.... Read More

Where is Pritha Venkatachalam based?
Pritha Venkatachalam works for Cambridge Economic Policy Associates, located at United Kingdom
See more information about Pritha Venkatachalam

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