Preeti Ramesh

Vice President, Customer Success at Skan

Preeti Ramesh Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Preeti Ramesh Work Experience Summary

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About Preeti Ramesh

Preeti Ramesh is a Vice President, Customer Success at Skan based in Menlo Park, California. Previously, Preeti was a Customer Value Realization at Skan and also held positions at Eka Software Solutions, Fidelity, Iflex Solutions. Preeti received a Masters Degree degree from NIT Trichy , India and a Honors Degree from Delhi University.Explore more

Preeti Ramesh Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

Skan's AI-Powered Process Intelligence Platform enables the modern enterprise to understand the telemetry of work in their organization. Utilizing the latest in computer vision and deep learning, Skan helps customers go beyond expensive consulting projects and outdated process mining techniques to understand their processes so they can plan digital transformation and automation efforts, drive continuous organization-wide process improvement, and build strategic employee training initiatives. Skan is a global organization headquartered in Menlo Park, CA with employee centers in Seattle, Bangalore, Boston, Ottawa and more.

Preeti Ramesh Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Customer Value Realization



Assistant VP, Sales Consulting

Eka Software Solutions


Assistant VP, Product Marketing

Eka Software Solutions


Associate Director

Eka Software Solutions




Masters Degree - Computer Applications

NIT Trichy , India

Honors Degree - Math

Delhi University

Org Chart - Skan


Vice President, Customer Success




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  • news feed 1

    About Company

    In this session from PEX Live Process Mining 2023, Preeti Ramesh , VP of Customer Success , Marcin Clark, Senior Director and Evan Plemenos, Director ...
  • news feed 4

    About Company

    The newest member of Skan 's Executive Team - Preeti Ramesh joins Skan as Sr. Director of Customer Value Engagement!
  • news feed 5

    About Company

    Thus, we have brought on an experienced leader to continue enhancing customer value realization with our groundbreaking process intelligence solution ...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Preeti Ramesh

What company does Preeti Ramesh work for?
Preeti Ramesh works for Skan as Vice President, Customer Success
What is Preeti Ramesh’s role in Skan?
Preeti Ramesh’s role in Skan is Vice President, Customer Success
What is Preeti Ramesh’s email address?
Preeti Ramesh’s email address is p***@skan.ai
What is Preeti Ramesh’s business email address?
Preeti Ramesh’s business email address is p***@skan.ai
What is Preeti Ramesh’s direct phone number?
Preeti Ramesh’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Preeti Ramesh’s work phone number?
Preeti Ramesh’s headquarters phone number is (650) 460-5045
What is Preeti Ramesh’s latest job experience?
Preeti Ramesh’s latest job experience is Customer Value Realization at Skan
What is Preeti Ramesh’s latest education?
Preeti Ramesh’s latest education in Masters Degree - Computer Applications at NIT Trichy , India
Which industry does Preeti Ramesh work in?
Preeti Ramesh works in the industry of Engineering Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Preeti Ramesh’s peers at other companies?
Preeti Ramesh’s peers at other companies are Trent White, Ryan Hammond, Michael Malone, Alexis McBride, Daniel Goldfeld.
Who are Preeti Ramesh’s colleagues?
Some of Preeti Ramesh’s colleagues are Venkatesh Madhavan, Kriti Kushwaha, Gomtesh Kognole, Aanjan Hari.
How can I contact Preeti Ramesh?
Preeti Ramesh contact details: Email address: p***@skan.ai Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Preeti Ramesh?

Preeti Ramesh is a Vice President, Customer Success at Skan based in Menlo Park, California. Previously, Preeti was a Customer Value Realization at Skan and also held positions at Eka Software Solutions, Fidelity, Iflex Solutions. Preeti received a Masters Degree degree from NIT Trichy , India and a Honors Degree from Delhi University.... Read More

Where is Preeti Ramesh based?
Preeti Ramesh works for Skan, located at United States
See more information about Preeti Ramesh

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