Pranav Chamoli

Software Engineer at Bobble AI

Pranav Chamoli Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(***) ***-****

Pranav Chamoli Current Workplace


Bobble AI


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Pranav Chamoli Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Pranav Chamoli

Pranav Chamoli is a Software Engineer at Bobble AI based in Chakkarpur, Haryana. Previously, Pranav was a Quality Assurance at Bobble AI.Explore more

Pranav Chamoli Current Workplace

Bobble AI

2024-present (1 year)

World's first Conversation Media Platform, Bobble.AI is enriching everyday conversations because there is nothing more authentic and persuasive than what one friend says to another. With expressive and personalized content including stickers, GIFs and emojis, deep localization with over 100 languages, AI-based contextual recommendations, speech-to-text, and much more, Bobble.AI is transforming conversations of over 30 million users and counting. Bobble's flagship product Bobble Indic Keyboard is regarded as the highest-rated, most engaging, and retaining keyboard in the world, leaving behind Google's Gboard and Microsoft's Swiftkey. Bobble.AI has created the powerful Mint Keyboard which is the default keyboard of Xiaomi phones.

Pranav Chamoli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Quality Assurance

Bobble AI


Org Chart - Bobble AI


Software Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pranav Chamoli

What company does Pranav Chamoli work for?
Pranav Chamoli works for Bobble AI as Software Engineer
What is Pranav Chamoli’s role in Bobble AI?
Pranav Chamoli’s role in Bobble AI is Software Engineer
What is Pranav Chamoli’s email address?
Pranav Chamoli’s email address is p***
What is Pranav Chamoli’s business email address?
Pranav Chamoli’s business email address is p***
What is Pranav Chamoli’s direct phone number?
Pranav Chamoli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Pranav Chamoli’s work phone number?
Pranav Chamoli’s headquarters phone number is +91 1130018074
What is Pranav Chamoli’s latest job experience?
Pranav Chamoli’s latest job experience is Quality Assurance at Bobble AI
Which industry does Pranav Chamoli work in?
Pranav Chamoli works in the industry of Software General, Software.
Who are Pranav Chamoli’s peers at other companies?
Pranav Chamoli’s peers at other companies are Jennifer Nam, Jon Parson, Himani Pathak, Daniel Bradley, Salvador Lemus.
Who are Pranav Chamoli’s colleagues?
Some of Pranav Chamoli’s colleagues are Khushi Garg, Mansi Kamble, Sudhir Yadav, Shubham Mahato.
How can I contact Pranav Chamoli?
Pranav Chamoli contact details: Email address: p*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Pranav Chamoli?

Pranav Chamoli is a Software Engineer at Bobble AI based in Chakkarpur, Haryana. Previously, Pranav was a Quality Assurance at Bobble AI.... Read More

Where is Pranav Chamoli based?
Pranav Chamoli works for Bobble AI, located at India
See more information about Pranav Chamoli

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