Pranav Betkekar

Management Consultant at Cedar

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Pranav Betkekar Current Workplace




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Number of Employees

Pranav Betkekar Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Pranav Betkekar

Pranav Betkekar is a dedicated and results-driven program manager with over 5 years of experience in delivering complex projects across diverse industries. Based in Mumbai, India, they currently serve as a Management Consultant at Cedar, where they are responsible for leading cross-functional teams, fostering collaboration, and ensuring seamless communication to drive strategic initiatives.Prior to their role at Cedar, Pranav was a Project Manager in the Program Management Office at Reliance Jio Infocom. In this position, they demonstrated a deep understanding of project lifecycles, stakeholder management, and data-driven decision-making. Pranav is adept at utilizing industry-standard methodologies and tools to plan, execute, and monitor projects, ensuring they are delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.Throughout their career, Pranav has successfully managed complex projects in areas such as e-commerce platform, Telecom, and Cloud products. They are a nRead more

Pranav Betkekar Current Workplace


2024-present (4 months)

Founded in 1985, Cedar Management Consulting is a management consulting firm assisting clients in the area of strategy, process, strategic human capital, and business technology. Cedar has offices around the world with headquarters in New York, USA, London UK, and Mumbai, India.

Pranav Betkekar Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Manager, Program Management Office

Reliance Jio Infocom


Associate Business Development Manager



Manager, Client Services



Org Chart - Cedar


Management Consultant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pranav Betkekar

What company does Pranav Betkekar work for?
Pranav Betkekar works for Cedar as Management Consultant
What is Pranav Betkekar’s role in Cedar?
Pranav Betkekar’s role in Cedar is Management Consultant
What is Pranav Betkekar’s email address?
Pranav Betkekar’s email address is p***
What is Pranav Betkekar’s business email address?
Pranav Betkekar’s business email address is p***
What is Pranav Betkekar’s direct phone number?
Pranav Betkekar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Pranav Betkekar’s work phone number?
Pranav Betkekar’s headquarters phone number is +91 2261719800
What is Pranav Betkekar’s latest job experience?
Pranav Betkekar’s latest job experience is Project Manager, Program Management Office at Reliance Jio Infocom
Which industry does Pranav Betkekar work in?
Pranav Betkekar works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Pranav Betkekar’s peers at other companies?
Pranav Betkekar’s peers at other companies are Osen Pogoson, Nick Angelini, Samaksh Kapoor, Victor Zhuang, Anshul Katyal.
Who are Pranav Betkekar’s colleagues?
Some of Pranav Betkekar’s colleagues are Tarishi Kumari, Divya Shah, Ajay Nikumb, Ramkumar Venkataraman.
How can I contact Pranav Betkekar?
Pranav Betkekar contact details: Email address: p*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Pranav Betkekar?

Pranav Betkekar is a dedicated and results-driven program manager with over 5 years of experience in delivering complex projects across diverse industries. Based in Mumbai, India, they currently serve as a Management Consultant at Cedar, where they are responsible for leading cross-functional teams, fostering collaboration, and ensuring seamless co... mmunication to drive strategic initiatives.Prior to their role at Cedar, Pranav was a Project Manager in the Program Management Office at Reliance Jio Infocom. In this position, they demonstrated a deep understanding of project lifecycles, stakeholder management, and data-driven decision-making. Pranav is adept at utilizing industry-standard methodologies and tools to plan, execute, and monitor projects, ensuring they are delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.Throughout their career, Pranav has successfully managed complex projects in areas such as e-commerce platform, Telecom, and Cloud products. They are a natural problem-solver, skilled in identifying and mitigating risks, resolving issues, and optimizing project efficiencies to drive continuous improvement and exceed project goals. Pranav is a collaborative leader who thrives in fast-paced environments and is committed to delivering exceptional results through effective project management practices, while ensuring a positive and inclusive work environment.Read More

Where is Pranav Betkekar based?
Pranav Betkekar works for Cedar, located at India
See more information about Pranav Betkekar

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