Phillipe Battini

Specialist Teacher at Red House International School

Phillipe Battini Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Phillipe Battini Work Experience Summary

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About Phillipe Battini

Phillipe Battini is a Specialist Teacher at Red House International School based in Sao Paulo. Previously, Phillipe was a Managing Partner at Wizard Curitiba.Explore more

Phillipe Battini Current Workplace

Red House International School

2024-present (1 year)

Com uma estrutura transdisciplinar orientada por questionamentos e pesquisa, o Primary Years Programme oferece uma experincia educacional integral, com o aluno no centro de tudo o que é praticado na escola. Bem-vindo à Red House International School, uma escola acolhedora que nasceu com a misso de oferecer uma educao internacional bilngue de excelncia. Com uma história de mais de 50 anos de sucesso no setor educacional, o projeto envolveu muitos estudos e pesquisas criteriosas para oferecer o que h de melhor e mais moderno no que diz respeito à formao educacional internacional bilngue de crianas e jovens. Nosso currculo é reconhecido como um dos melhores do mundo. Em So Paulo, somos uma IB (International Baccalaureate) World School, uma das mais exigentes e importantes certificaes internacionais de educao e aceita em escolas e universidades nacionais e estrangeiras. Muito mais do que bons alunos, nossa grande misso é formar cidados globais que faam a diferena no mundo em que vivemos. nSee more

Phillipe Battini Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Managing Partner

Wizard Curitiba


Business Partner

Yázigi Curitiba


English Teacher

Wizard Curitiba



Yázigi Curitiba


Org Chart - Red House International School


Specialist Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Phillipe Battini

What company does Phillipe Battini work for?
Phillipe Battini works for Red House International School as Specialist Teacher
What is Phillipe Battini’s role in Red House International School?
Phillipe Battini’s role in Red House International School is Specialist Teacher
What is Phillipe Battini’s direct phone number?
Phillipe Battini’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Phillipe Battini’s work phone number?
Phillipe Battini’s headquarters phone number is +55 1123097999
What is Phillipe Battini’s latest job experience?
Phillipe Battini’s latest job experience is Managing Partner at Wizard Curitiba
Which industry does Phillipe Battini work in?
Phillipe Battini works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Phillipe Battini’s peers at other companies?
Phillipe Battini’s peers at other companies are Ian Burge, Maraea Rameka, Elsabe Fleming, Will Bowman, David Ayala.
Who are Phillipe Battini’s colleagues?
Some of Phillipe Battini’s colleagues are Willa Kethlen, Simone Bortuluzzo, Flavia Gianoni, Pablo Ganassim.
Who is Phillipe Battini?

Phillipe Battini is a Specialist Teacher at Red House International School based in Sao Paulo. Previously, Phillipe was a Managing Partner at Wizard Curitiba.... Read More

Where is Phillipe Battini based?
Phillipe Battini works for Red House International School, located at Brazil
See more information about Phillipe Battini

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