2017-present (8 years)
Phillip Bloom Email & Phone number
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Phillip Bloom Current Workplace
1151 Oxford Rd, San Marino, California, 91108, United States
(626) 405-2100
Number of Employees
Phillip Bloom Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
8Number of job titles
1Last Update 1/16/2025 7:10 PM
About Phillip Bloom
Phillip Bloom is a Curator at The Huntington based in San Marino, California.
Phillip received a M. A. degree from Harvard University and a PhD candidate from Harvard University.
Phillip Bloom Current Workplace
The Huntington
Founded in 1919, The Huntington is headquartered in San Marino, California. They are a collections-based research and educational institution serving scholars and the general public.
Phillip Bloom Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
8Number of job titles
M. A. - history of art and architecture
Harvard UniversityPhD candidate - Department of History of Art and Architecture
Harvard UniversityOrg Chart - The Huntington
Phillip Bloom
Recent News About Phillip Bloom
Web References
Guest Speakers | San Marino City Club
September - Phillip E. Bloom of Huntington LibraryFrontiers Articles | The Huntington
With the start of the final phase of the Chinese Garden's construction, we asked the garden's curator, Phillip E. Bloom , who joined The Huntington in...News Releases | Page 2 | The Huntington
Phillip Bloom News Release - Phillip E. Bloom Named New Curator of the Chinese Garden at The Huntington Library , Art Collections, and Botanical Gar...News Releases | Page 3 | The Huntington
Phillip Bloom News Release - Phillip E. Bloom Named New Curator of the Chinese Garden at The Huntington Library , Art Collections, and Botanical Gar...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Phillip Bloom
Phillip Bloom is a Curator at The Huntington based in San Marino, California. Phillip received a M. A. degree from Harvard University and a PhD candidate from Harvard University....