Philippe Deschenes

Programmer at Cic Research

Philippe Deschenes Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Philippe Deschenes Current Workplace


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About Philippe Deschenes

Philippe Deschenes is a Programmer at Cic Research based in San Diego, California.Explore more

Philippe Deschenes Current Workplace

Cic Research

2013-present (11 years)

CIC Research, Inc. is a full-service marketing, economics and survey research firm located in San Diego, California. The company provides expertise in the areas of marketing, economic, land use, financial analysis, survey design, data collection, coding, custom data processing, travel, tourism and events research, and full-service quantitative research. Since CIC Research, Inc. began working with the San Diego Contracting Opportunities Center (SDCOC PTAC) in September 2004, the company has received technical assistance from SDCOC on a variety of topics, including locating government business opportunities, obtaining/completing government certifications and registrations, marketing strategies for government customers, obtaining a GSA schedule contract, and responding to requests for proposals (RFPs) and requests for quotes (RFQs).

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Philippe Deschenes

What company does Philippe Deschenes work for?
Philippe Deschenes works for Cic Research as Programmer
What is Philippe Deschenes’s role in Cic Research?
Philippe Deschenes’s role in Cic Research is Programmer
What is Philippe Deschenes’s email address?
Philippe Deschenes’s email address is p***@cicresearch.com
What is Philippe Deschenes’s business email address?
Philippe Deschenes’s business email address is p***@cicresearch.com
What is Philippe Deschenes’s direct phone number?
Philippe Deschenes’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Philippe Deschenes’s work phone number?
Philippe Deschenes’s headquarters phone number is (858) 637-4000
Which industry does Philippe Deschenes work in?
Philippe Deschenes works in the industry of Information Collection & Delivery, Media & Internet.
Who are Philippe Deschenes’s peers at other companies?
Philippe Deschenes’s peers at other companies are Eugenio Fontanilla, Miles Elliott, Anar Orujov, Karthik Karthik, David Cohn.
Who are Philippe Deschenes’s colleagues?
Some of Philippe Deschenes’s colleagues are Laura Gidney-Falk, Ashton Flowers, Paula Fornes, Maria Garcia.
How can I contact Philippe Deschenes?
Philippe Deschenes contact details: Email address: p***@cicresearch.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Philippe Deschenes?

Philippe Deschenes is a Programmer at Cic Research based in San Diego, California.... Read More

Where is Philippe Deschenes based?
Philippe Deschenes works for Cic Research, located at United States
See more information about Philippe Deschenes

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