
Philip Blasko

Superintendent at Mishawaka Utilities

Philip Blasko Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Philip Blasko Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Philip Blasko Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Philip Blasko

Phil Blasko is a Parks Superintendent at School City of Mishawaka based in Mishawaka, Indiana. Previously, Phil was a Superintendent of Parks and Recreation at City of Mishawaka, IN and also held positions at Sandusky County, Fremont City Schools. Phil received a Bachelor of Science Degree degree from Defiance College.

Philip Blasko Current Workplace

Mishawaka Utilities

2022-present (3 years)

Mishawaka is a city on the St. Joseph River, in St. Joseph County, Indiana. Recently the population was estimated to be 48,252. Mishawaka is a principal city of the South BendMishawaka, IN-MI, Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Philip Blasko Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Parks Superintendent

School City of Mishawaka


Superintendent of Parks and Recreation

City of Mishawaka, IN




Bachelor of Science Degree - Sports Management

Defiance College
Mishawaka High School
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Member

Sandusky County


Org Chart - Mishawaka Utilities

Philip Blasko


Recent News About Philip Blasko

Web References
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Philip Blasko

What company does Philip Blasko work for?
Philip Blasko works for Mishawaka Utilities as Superintendent
What is Philip Blasko’s role in Mishawaka Utilities?
Philip Blasko’s role in Mishawaka Utilities is Superintendent
What is Philip Blasko’s email address?
Philip Blasko’s email address is p***@mishawaka.in.gov
What is Philip Blasko’s business email address?
Philip Blasko’s business email address is p***@mishawaka.in.gov
What is Philip Blasko’s direct phone number?
Philip Blasko’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Philip Blasko’s work phone number?
Philip Blasko’s headquarters phone number is (574) 258-1616
What is Philip Blasko’s latest job experience?
Philip Blasko’s latest job experience is Parks Superintendent at School City of Mishawaka
What is Philip Blasko’s latest education?
Philip Blasko’s latest education in Bachelor of Science Degree - Sports Management at Defiance College
Which industry does Philip Blasko work in?
Philip Blasko works in the industry of Fitness & Dance Facilities, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Philip Blasko’s peers at other companies?
Philip Blasko’s peers at other companies are Neil Edwards, Elian Perceleanu, Jay Berner, Kevin Dials, Eric Conti.
Who are Philip Blasko’s colleagues?
Some of Philip Blasko’s colleagues are Raven Boston, Mark Curtis, Melanie Schimizzi, Tim Ryan.
How can I contact Philip Blasko?
Philip Blasko contact details: Email address: p***@mishawaka.in.gov Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Philip Blasko?

Phil Blasko is a Parks Superintendent at School City of Mishawaka based in Mishawaka, Indiana. Previously, Phil was a Superintendent of Parks and Recreation at City of Mishawaka, IN and also held positions at Sandusky County, Fremont City Schools. Phil received a Bachelor of Science Degree degree from Defiance College....

Where is Philip Blasko based?
Philip Blasko works for Mishawaka Utilities, located at United States