2022-present (3 years)
Philip Blasko Email & Phone number
Philip Blasko Current Workplace
600 E 4th St, Mishawaka, Indiana, 46544, United States
Phone Number
(574) 258-1616
Number of Employees
Philip Blasko Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
5Number of job titles
3About Philip Blasko
Phil Blasko is a Parks Superintendent at School City of Mishawaka based in Mishawaka, Indiana.
Previously, Phil was a Superintendent of Parks and Recreation at City of Mishawaka, IN and also held positions at Sandusky County, Fremont City Schools.
Phil received a Bachelor of Science Degree degree from Defiance College.
Philip Blasko Current Workplace
Mishawaka Utilities
Mishawaka is a city on the St. Joseph River, in St. Joseph County, Indiana. Recently the population was estimated to be 48,252. Mishawaka is a principal city of the South BendMishawaka, IN-MI, Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Philip Blasko Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Philip Blasko
Events | South Bend Regional Chamber of Commerce
Q3 Networking at Lunch with City of Mishawaka's Ken Prince & Phil Blasko And, we could not be more thrilled with our guest lineup: City of Mishawaka...Q3 Networking at Lunch with City of Mishawaka's Ken Prince & Phil Blasko | South Bend Regional Chamber of Commerce
Q3 Networking at Lunch with City of Mishawaka's Ken Prince & Phil Blasko And, we could not be more thrilled with our guest lineup: City of Mishawaka...South Bend Regional Chamber of Commerce - Mishawaka City Officials
Phil Blasko Parks Superintendent 574.258.1664 pblasko@mishawaka.in.govParks & Recreation News | City of Mishawaka
Phil Blasko
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Philip Blasko
Phil Blasko is a Parks Superintendent at School City of Mishawaka based in Mishawaka, Indiana. Previously, Phil was a Superintendent of Parks and Recreation at City of Mishawaka, IN and also held positions at Sandusky County, Fremont City Schools. Phil received a Bachelor of Science Degree degree from Defiance College....