Phelokazi Mpondo

Customer Liaison at SMC Corporation (South Africa

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(***) ***-****

Phelokazi Mpondo Current Workplace


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About Phelokazi Mpondo

Phelokazi Mpondo is a Customer Liaison at SMC Corporation (South Africa based in Midrand, Gauteng.Explore more

Phelokazi Mpondo Current Workplace

SMC Corporation (South Africa

2017-present (8 years)

SMC Corporation Japan, the world leaders in pneumatics and industrial automation component technology, has expanded its global operations into South Africa. Click on the Follow US button to make contact with us and stay up to date with exciting company news and career opportunities as we establish our footprint in Africa. With it's official launch in April 2016, the creation of SMC Pneumatics (South Africa) Pty Ltd enables companies in both South Africa and neighbouring countries to have easier access to SMC’s range of over 12,000 basic components, which are available in over 700,000 variant forms. Machine builders and end users in Africa can now benefit from increased levels of high quality technical support and the availability of customised products and local assemblies produced in our state-of-the-art Johannesburg factory. Established in 1959, the Tokyo based SMC Corporation has steadily expanded into international markets worldwide and now has global production with factories andSee more

Org Chart - SMC Corporation (South Africa


Customer Liaison




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Phelokazi Mpondo

What company does Phelokazi Mpondo work for?
Phelokazi Mpondo works for SMC Corporation (South Africa as Customer Liaison
What is Phelokazi Mpondo’s role in SMC Corporation (South Africa?
Phelokazi Mpondo’s role in SMC Corporation (South Africa is Customer Liaison
What is Phelokazi Mpondo’s email address?
Phelokazi Mpondo’s email address is p***@smcza.co.za
What is Phelokazi Mpondo’s business email address?
Phelokazi Mpondo’s business email address is p***@smcza.co.za
What is Phelokazi Mpondo’s direct phone number?
Phelokazi Mpondo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Phelokazi Mpondo work in?
Phelokazi Mpondo works in the industry of Manufacturing General, Manufacturing.
Who are Phelokazi Mpondo’s colleagues?
Some of Phelokazi Mpondo’s colleagues are Liezl Siebrits, Laylaa Solomon, Riaan Eck, Craig Taylor.
How can I contact Phelokazi Mpondo?
Phelokazi Mpondo contact details: Email address: p***@smcza.co.za Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Phelokazi Mpondo?

Phelokazi Mpondo is a Customer Liaison at SMC Corporation (South Africa based in Midrand, Gauteng.... Read More

Where is Phelokazi Mpondo based?
Phelokazi Mpondo works for SMC Corporation (South Africa, located at South Africa
See more information about Phelokazi Mpondo

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