2021-present (3 years)
Petar Nenadov Email & Phone number
Petar Nenadov Current Workplace
180 South Ave, Tallmadge, Ohio, 44278, United States
Phone Number
(330) 634-2701
Number of Employees
Petar Nenadov Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
9Number of job titles
1Last Update 10/2/2024 7:36 PM
About Petar Nenadov
Petar Nenadov works at Good Place Publishing, which is a Media & Internet company with an estimated 7 employees. Petar graduated from their alma mater, Ashland Theological Seminar and is currently based in Tallmadge, Ohio. They used to work at Lakeside Christian Church. Found email listings include: p***@goodplacepublishing.com, @lakesidechristianchurch.org,and @madetoflourish.org.Read morePetar Nenadov Current Workplace
Good Place Publishing
Everybody wants to live in a good place. How do we build up a good place? The mission of Good Place Publishing is to seek out and bring to light creative works which inspire or feature the building blocks of good places. We can all work to make good ...
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Good Place Publishing
Petar NenadovGood Place Publishing
Petar Nenadov Petar Nenadov Petar Nenadov is a pastor at Lakeside Christian Church in Akron, Ohio. (More...)Good Place Publishing
[Petar Nenadov] Good Place Publishing Good Place Publishing Petar Nenadov Petar Nenadov Petar Nenadov is a pastor at Lakeside Christian Ch...About Our Chapter - Cleveland
Petar Nenadov (2020-present) Petar and his family are long-time residents of the Akron-Medina area. He received his Master of Divinity from Ashland...
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