
Penny Houston

Paralegal at Roehl & Glowacki

Penny Houston Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(***) ***-****

Penny Houston Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Penny Houston Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


Last Update 12/30/2024 12:40 PM

About Penny Houston

Penny Houston is a Paralegal at Roehl & Glowacki based in Laguna Hills, California. Previously, Penny was a Paralegal at Roehl & Glowacki and also held positions at Genevieve Wall, A Law Corporation, Keeler & Keeler, Rutan & Tucker, LLP..

Penny Houston Current Workplace

Roehl & Glowacki

2023-present (2 years)

With over a combined 30 years of compassionate client service, Roehl & Glowacki, P.C. specializes in all phases of estate law: planning, administration and litigation. With the ability to overcome any obstacles that may arise, Roehl & Glowacki, P.C. is dedicated to providing the necessary services required to achieve your goals.

Penny Houston Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Roehl & Glowacki


Probate & Trust Administration Paralegal

Genevieve Wall, A Law Corporation


Probate & Trust Administration Paralegal

Keeler & Keeler


Probate & Trust Administration Paralegal

Rutan & Tucker, LLP.


Org Chart - Roehl & Glowacki

Penny Houston


Intent on Penny Houston's Company


Interest in Penny Houston's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Penny Houston

What company does Penny Houston work for?
Penny Houston works for Roehl & Glowacki as Paralegal
What is Penny Houston’s role in Roehl & Glowacki?
Penny Houston’s role in Roehl & Glowacki is Paralegal
What is Penny Houston’s email address?
Penny Houston’s email address is p***@rg.legal
What is Penny Houston’s business email address?
Penny Houston’s business email address is p***@rg.legal
What is Penny Houston’s direct phone number?
Penny Houston’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Penny Houston’s work phone number?
Penny Houston’s headquarters phone number is (949) 484-8001
What is Penny Houston’s latest job experience?
Penny Houston’s latest job experience is Paralegal at Roehl & Glowacki
Which industry does Penny Houston work in?
Penny Houston works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Penny Houston’s peers at other companies?
Penny Houston’s peers at other companies are Sheila Pacsi, Joann Firingos, Alyssa Osler, Polina Trofimova, Craig Judge.
How can I contact Penny Houston?
Penny Houston contact details: Email address: p***@rg.legal Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Penny Houston?

Penny Houston is a Paralegal at Roehl & Glowacki based in Laguna Hills, California. Previously, Penny was a Paralegal at Roehl & Glowacki and also held positions at Genevieve Wall, A Law Corporation, Keeler & Keeler, Rutan & Tucker, LLP.....

Where is Penny Houston based?
Penny Houston works for Roehl & Glowacki, located at United States