Peggy Hoyt Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Peggy Hoyt Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Peggy Hoyt Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Peggy Hoyt

Peggy Hoyt is a Job Title at Marvolus Manufacturing based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Peggy was a City Clerk at City of DeKalb.

Peggy Hoyt Current Workplace

Marvolus Manufacturing

1977-present (48 years)

Marvolus Manufacturing has been producing and supplying promotional sign displays and retail store fixtures since 1955. They are well-known in the industry as a full-service provider of custom-made and in-stock display products preferred by businesses of all types and sizes to communicate their message and present their retail merchandise in the best way possible. Originally founded by Marvin Glassenberg, distinguished for his inventive and innovative talents to create the best products possible, Marv-O-Lus has carried on that same tradition of creating quality point-of-purchase merchandise displays and advertising sign displays that demand customer attention and guarantee profitable results.

Peggy Hoyt Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

City Clerk

City of DeKalb


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Peggy Hoyt

What is Peggy Hoyt’s direct phone number?
Peggy Hoyt’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Peggy Hoyt’s work phone number?
Peggy Hoyt’s headquarters phone number is (800) 236-0553
What is Peggy Hoyt’s latest job experience?
Peggy Hoyt’s latest job experience is City Clerk at City of DeKalb
Which industry does Peggy Hoyt work in?
Peggy Hoyt works in the industry of Furniture, Manufacturing.
Who are Peggy Hoyt’s colleagues?
Some of Peggy Hoyt’s colleagues are Josh Astor, Miriam Dulin, Zachary Robinson, Michael Glassenberg.
Who is Peggy Hoyt?

Peggy Hoyt is a Job Title at Marvolus Manufacturing based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Peggy was a City Clerk at City of DeKalb....

Where is Peggy Hoyt based?
Peggy Hoyt works for Marvolus Manufacturing, located at United States