Paweennuch Thadee

Customer Program Management Associate at Celestica

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Paweennuch Thadee Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Paweennuch Thadee Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Paweennuch Thadee Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Paweennuch Thadee

Paweennuch Thadee is a Customer Program Management Associate based in Chon Buri, Thailand, currently working at Celestica. They are responsible for overseeing the successful implementation and management of customer programs, leveraging their strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.Prior to their role at Celestica, Thadee held a position as a Commercial Associate at DP World, where they demonstrated their expertise in commercial operations and client relationship management. Throughout their career, they have consistently delivered exceptional results and contributed to the growth and success of the organizations they have been a part of.Thadee holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Mahidol University, where they honed their analytical and strategic thinking abilities. Their educational background, combined with their professional experience, has equipped them with a unique set of skills that enable them to excel in their current role and drive continuous improvement witRead more

Paweennuch Thadee Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

At Celestica, we enable the world's best brands. We build trusted relationships and solve complex technology challenges to help our customers realize greater value, potential and outcomes. We are a leader in high-reliability design, manufacturing and supply chain solutions that brings global expertise at every stage of product development from the drawing board to full-scale production and after-market services. With talented teams across North America, Europe and Asia, we imagine, develop and deliver a better future with our customers.

Paweennuch Thadee Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


DP World


Management Trainee

DP World


Safety Officer

Polymatech Japan


Safety Officer

Nestlé Pakistan


Org Chart - Celestica


Customer Program Management Associa...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Paweennuch Thadee

What company does Paweennuch Thadee work for?
Paweennuch Thadee works for Celestica as Customer Program Management Associate
What is Paweennuch Thadee’s role in Celestica?
Paweennuch Thadee’s role in Celestica is Customer Program Management Associate
What is Paweennuch Thadee’s email address?
Paweennuch Thadee’s email address is p***
What is Paweennuch Thadee’s business email address?
Paweennuch Thadee’s business email address is p***
What is Paweennuch Thadee’s direct phone number?
Paweennuch Thadee’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Paweennuch Thadee’s work phone number?
Paweennuch Thadee’s headquarters phone number is (416) 448-5800
What is Paweennuch Thadee’s latest job experience?
Paweennuch Thadee’s latest job experience is Commercial at DP World
Which industry does Paweennuch Thadee work in?
Paweennuch Thadee works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Paweennuch Thadee’s peers at other companies?
Paweennuch Thadee’s peers at other companies are Debra Cunningham, Watcharapol Bandit, Promporn Sae-tang, Hazim Hata, Norfarah Nordin.
Who are Paweennuch Thadee’s colleagues?
Some of Paweennuch Thadee’s colleagues are Michael Piper, Cavy Huang, Andrew Sun, Daniel Jun.
How can I contact Paweennuch Thadee?
Paweennuch Thadee contact details: Email address: p*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Paweennuch Thadee?

Paweennuch Thadee is a Customer Program Management Associate based in Chon Buri, Thailand, currently working at Celestica. They are responsible for overseeing the successful implementation and management of customer programs, leveraging their strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.Prior to their role at Celestica, Thadee held a posit... ion as a Commercial Associate at DP World, where they demonstrated their expertise in commercial operations and client relationship management. Throughout their career, they have consistently delivered exceptional results and contributed to the growth and success of the organizations they have been a part of.Thadee holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Mahidol University, where they honed their analytical and strategic thinking abilities. Their educational background, combined with their professional experience, has equipped them with a unique set of skills that enable them to excel in their current role and drive continuous improvement within the organization.Read More

Where is Paweennuch Thadee based?
Paweennuch Thadee works for Celestica, located at Canada
See more information about Paweennuch Thadee

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