2021-present (3 years)
Paula Haddad Email & Phone number
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Paula Haddad Current Workplace
660 S Figueroa St Ste 2300, Los Angeles, California, 90017, United States
Phone Number
(213) 623-2221
Number of Employees
Paula Haddad Work Experience Summary
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1Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
1Last Update 1/10/2025 3:58 AM
About Paula Haddad
Paula Haddad is an Associate at Lhdk&w based in Los Angeles, California.
Paula received a Bachelor of Arts degree degree from California State Polytechnic University and a Juris Doctorate from Loyola Law School , Los Angeles.
Paula Haddad Current Workplace
Established in 1991, LHDK&W has helped industry leaders across a broad array of sectors manage the complex challenges of succeeding in the global economy. Every day, clients are constantly confronted with unexpected complications in their business environment. In this environment, clients face multi-faceted and sophisticated legal issues that require prompt, innovative and realistic solutions. Since 1991, LHDK&W has successfully helped industry leaders across a broad array of sectors manage and navigate through today's complex and ever-changing global economy. By utilizing the firm's exceptional and experienced attorneys, supporting professionals and staff, we are able to provide our clients with comprehensive tailored solutions to their business-related legal issues. We are committed to building relationships with our clients beyond the role of a traditional law firm. With this in mind, we take time to learn our clients' business and industry to fully appreciate the dynamics of theirSee more
Paula Haddad Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
Bachelor of Arts degree - Psychology
California State Polytechnic UniversityJuris Doctorate
Loyola Law School , Los AngelesOrg Chart - Lhdk&w
Paula Haddad
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Attorneys, Lawyers, Counsel | LHDK&W
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Paula Haddad
Paula Haddad is an Associate at Lhdk&w based in Los Angeles, California. Paula received a Bachelor of Arts degree degree from California State Polytechnic University and a Juris Doctorate from Loyola Law School , Los Angeles....