Paul Zucker

Vice President, Ambulatory Operations at Mount Sinai Health System

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Paul Zucker Email & Phone number

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(212) ***-****

Paul Zucker Current Workplace


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Paul Zucker Work Experience Summary

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About Paul Zucker

Paul Zucker is a Vice President, Ambulatory Operations at Mount Sinai Health System based in New York City, New York. Paul received a Master of Business Administration degree from The George Washington University and a Master’s from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.Explore more

Paul Zucker Current Workplace

Mount Sinai Health System

2015-present (9 years)

About Mount Sinai Hospital:The Mount Sinai Health System is an integrated health system committed to providing distinguished care, conducting transformative research, and advancing biomedical education. Structured around seven member hospital campuses and a single medical school, the Health System has an extensive ambulatory network and a range of inpatient and outpatient services from community-based facilities to tertiary and quaternary care. The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is ranked among the top 20 medical schools both in National Institutes of Health funding and by U.S. News & World Report.Website:

Paul Zucker Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Ambulatory Services

Mount Sinai Beth Israel


Clinical Administrator

Mount Sinai Beth Israel


Program Manager

Beth Israel Medical Center


Vice President

Ambulatory Operations


Master of Business Administration

The George Washington University


Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons


State University of New York at New Paltz

Org Chart - Mount Sinai Health System


Vice President, Ambulatory Operatio...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Paul Zucker

What company does Paul Zucker work for?
Paul Zucker works for Mount Sinai Health System as Vice President, Ambulatory Operations
What is Paul Zucker’s role in Mount Sinai Health System?
Paul Zucker’s role in Mount Sinai Health System is Vice President, Ambulatory Operations
What is Paul Zucker’s email address?
Paul Zucker’s email address is p***
What is Paul Zucker’s business email address?
Paul Zucker’s business email address is p***
What is Paul Zucker’s direct phone number?
Paul Zucker’s direct phone number is (212) ***-****
What is Paul Zucker’s work phone number?
Paul Zucker’s headquarters phone number is (800) 637-4624
What is Paul Zucker’s latest job experience?
Paul Zucker’s latest job experience is Director, Ambulatory Services at Mount Sinai Beth Israel
What is Paul Zucker’s latest education?
Paul Zucker’s latest education in Master of Business Administration at The George Washington University
Which industry does Paul Zucker work in?
Paul Zucker works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Paul Zucker’s peers at other companies?
Paul Zucker’s peers at other companies are Aaron Henry, Berthe Erisnor, Mandy Newman, Ann Tesmer, Rosalyn McLeod.
Who are Paul Zucker’s colleagues?
Some of Paul Zucker’s colleagues are Rebecca Fox, Lucia Fernandez, Mayra Batista, Marcus Bankcroft.
How can I contact Paul Zucker?
Paul Zucker contact details: Email address: p*** Phone number: (212) ***-****
Who is Paul Zucker?

Paul Zucker is a Vice President, Ambulatory Operations at Mount Sinai Health System based in New York City, New York. Paul received a Master of Business Administration degree from The George Washington University and a Master’s from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.... Read More

Where is Paul Zucker based?
Paul Zucker works for Mount Sinai Health System, located at United States
See more information about Paul Zucker

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