Paul Tartaglio

Owner at Go Gadgets

Paul Tartaglio Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Paul Tartaglio Current Workplace


Go Gadgets


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Paul Tartaglio Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Paul Tartaglio

Paul Tartaglio is an Owner at Go Gadgets based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Paul Tartaglio Current Workplace

Go Gadgets

2012-present (13 years)

Gogadgets is a website specializing in the latest technology and electronic devices. The platform provides a comprehensive selection of gadgets aimed at tech enthusiasts and consumers looking to stay updated with the newest electronics. It offers various products to meet the demands of clients searching for innovative tech solutions. Gogadgets serves a broad audience with a keen interest in technological advancements.

Paul Tartaglio Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Darkside Games


Org Chart - Go Gadgets

Paul Tartaglio


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Paul Tartaglio

What company does Paul Tartaglio work for?
Paul Tartaglio works for Go Gadgets as Owner
What is Paul Tartaglio’s role in Go Gadgets?
Paul Tartaglio’s role in Go Gadgets is Owner
What is Paul Tartaglio’s direct phone number?
Paul Tartaglio’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Paul Tartaglio’s work phone number?
Paul Tartaglio’s headquarters phone number is (702) 202-9506
What is Paul Tartaglio’s latest job experience?
Paul Tartaglio’s latest job experience is Owner at Darkside Games
Which industry does Paul Tartaglio work in?
Paul Tartaglio works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Paul Tartaglio’s peers at other companies?
Paul Tartaglio’s peers at other companies are Fidel Hanna, Luch Tor, Austin Whitten, Gary Voight, Anthony Moore.
Who are Paul Tartaglio’s colleagues?
Some of Paul Tartaglio’s colleagues are Beige Dolman, Nithish Kumar.
Who is Paul Tartaglio?

Paul Tartaglio is an Owner at Go Gadgets based in Las Vegas, Nevada....

Where is Paul Tartaglio based?
Paul Tartaglio works for Go Gadgets, located at United States
Who is Go Gadgets’s Owner?
Go Gadgets's Owner is Paul Tartaglio