Patrick Patterson

Senior Manager, Product Development at Ocular Therapeutix

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Patrick Patterson Work Experience Summary

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About Patrick Patterson

Patrick Patterson is a Senior Manager, Product Development at Ocular Therapeutix based in Bedford, Massachusetts. Previously, Patrick was a Manager, Product Development at Ocular Therapeutix and also held positions at Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing, Compass Biomedical, ISTO Biologics, The University of Akron. Patrick received a undergraduate degree degree from University of Akron.Explore more

Patrick Patterson Current Workplace

Ocular Therapeutix

2024-present (8 months)

Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the formulation, development, and commercialization of innovative therapies for diseases and conditions of the eye using its proprietary bioresorbable hydrogel-based formulation technology. Ocular Therapeutix's first commercial drug product, DEXTENZA®, is an FDA-approved corticosteroid for the treatment of ocular inflammation and pain following ophthalmic surgery and ocular itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis. Ocular Therapeutix's earlier stage development assets includes OTX-TKI (axitinib intravitreal implant), currently in Phase 1 clinical trials for the treatment of wet AMD and other retinal diseases. OTX-TIC (travoprost intracameral implant) recently began a Phase 2 clinical trial to evaluate the reduction of intraocular pressure in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Ocular Therapeutix has also completed Phase 2 clinical trials for OTX-CSI (cyclosporine intracanalicular insSee more

Patrick Patterson Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Product Development

Ocular Therapeutix


Senior Engineer

Ocular Therapeutix


Equipment Manager

Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing



Compass Biomedical




undergraduate degree - Biomedical Engineering

University of Akron

Org Chart - Ocular Therapeutix


Senior Manager, Product Development




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    Patrick Patterson Associate Engineer Patrick Patterson is an Associate Engineer at Compass Biomedical . Patrick participates in a broad range of wo...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Patrick Patterson

What company does Patrick Patterson work for?
Patrick Patterson works for Ocular Therapeutix as Senior Manager, Product Development
What is Patrick Patterson’s role in Ocular Therapeutix?
Patrick Patterson’s role in Ocular Therapeutix is Senior Manager, Product Development
What is Patrick Patterson’s email address?
Patrick Patterson’s email address is p***@ocutx.com
What is Patrick Patterson’s business email address?
Patrick Patterson’s business email address is p***@ocutx.com
What is Patrick Patterson’s direct phone number?
Patrick Patterson’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Patrick Patterson’s work phone number?
Patrick Patterson’s headquarters phone number is (781) 357-4000
What is Patrick Patterson’s latest job experience?
Patrick Patterson’s latest job experience is Manager, Product Development at Ocular Therapeutix
What is Patrick Patterson’s latest education?
Patrick Patterson’s latest education in undergraduate degree - Biomedical Engineering at University of Akron
Which industry does Patrick Patterson work in?
Patrick Patterson works in the industry of Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare.
Who are Patrick Patterson’s peers at other companies?
Patrick Patterson’s peers at other companies are Huynh Phuong, Elizabeth Ostbye, Hiral Shah, Ashwin Rao, Ganesh Subramanian.
Who are Patrick Patterson’s colleagues?
Some of Patrick Patterson’s colleagues are Brittany Koernig, Zhongwen Tang, William Ransone, Nora Dimon.
How can I contact Patrick Patterson?
Patrick Patterson contact details: Email address: p***@ocutx.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Patrick Patterson?

Patrick Patterson is a Senior Manager, Product Development at Ocular Therapeutix based in Bedford, Massachusetts. Previously, Patrick was a Manager, Product Development at Ocular Therapeutix and also held positions at Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing, Compass Biomedical, ISTO Biologics, The University of Akron. Patrick received a undergraduate deg... ree degree from University of Akron.Read More

Where is Patrick Patterson based?
Patrick Patterson works for Ocular Therapeutix, located at United States
See more information about Patrick Patterson

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