
Patrick Kerney

Manager, Customer Success at MIT

Patrick Kerney Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Patrick Kerney Current Workplace





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Patrick Kerney Work Experience Summary

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About Patrick Kerney

Patrick Kerney is a Manager, Customer Success at MIT based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Previously, Patrick was a Superintendent, Learning Services Operations Division at U.S. Air Force and also held positions at Air Force Personnel Center.Explore more

Patrick Kerney Current Workplace


2024-present (5 months)

The MIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better world through education, research, and innovation. We are fun and quirky, elite but not elitist, inventive and artistic, obsessed with numbers, and welcoming to talented people regardless of where they come from. Founded to accelerate the nations industrial revolution, MIT is profoundly American. With ingenuity and drive, our graduates have invented fundamental technologies, launched new industries, and created millions of American jobs. At the same time, and without the slightest sense of contradiction, MIT is profoundly global. Our community gains tremendous strength as a magnet for talent from around the world. Through teaching, research, and innovation, MITs exceptional community pursues its mission of service to the nation and the world.

Patrick Kerney Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

SEL DAF Learning Services



Superintendent, Learning Services Operations Division

U.S. Air Force


Superintendent Mission Readiness and AF Training Program

Air Force Personnel Center


Superintendent, Organizational Management

Supply Chain Operation Wing


Org Chart - MIT


Manager, Customer Success




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Patrick Kerney

What company does Patrick Kerney work for?
Patrick Kerney works for MIT as Manager, Customer Success
What is Patrick Kerney’s role in MIT?
Patrick Kerney’s role in MIT is Manager, Customer Success
What is Patrick Kerney’s direct phone number?
Patrick Kerney’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Patrick Kerney’s work phone number?
Patrick Kerney’s headquarters phone number is (617) 253-1000
What is Patrick Kerney’s latest job experience?
Patrick Kerney’s latest job experience is SEL DAF Learning Services at HQ AETC/A3G
Which industry does Patrick Kerney work in?
Patrick Kerney works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Patrick Kerney’s peers at other companies?
Patrick Kerney’s peers at other companies are Cristine Leva, Monica Jain, Rajshree Deshmukh, Nandu Mn, Bharti Aggarwal.
Who are Patrick Kerney’s colleagues?
Some of Patrick Kerney’s colleagues are Caitlin Cheng, Jean Samuelson, Zachary Darling, Richard Wilk.
Who is Patrick Kerney?

Patrick Kerney is a Manager, Customer Success at MIT based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Previously, Patrick was a Superintendent, Learning Services Operations Division at U.S. Air Force and also held positions at Air Force Personnel Center.... Read More

Where is Patrick Kerney based?
Patrick Kerney works for MIT, located at United States
See more information about Patrick Kerney

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