
Pankaj Birla

Medical Representative at Meyer Organics Pvt

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About Pankaj Birla

Pankaj Birla is a Medical Representative at Meyer Organics Pvt based in Wagle I.E., Maharashtra.Explore more

Pankaj Birla Current Workplace

Meyer Organics Pvt

2022-present (3 years)

Headquartered in Mumbai, India with global presence in more than 30 countries. Meyer has manufactured innovative health care products for over two decades; Meyer is committed to excel in human health care and research. Meyer has created a unique portfolio of products in the key segments like Anti-infective, Nutrition Supplements for all age groups, Infertility Supplement, Pain Management, etc. At Meyer high emphasis has always been laid on improving the production technology, safety and environment protection in production system. We are able to optimize out production systems performance through our control systems in accordance with GMP and ISO 9001. At Meyer we strike a balance between International research on one hand while remaining sensitive to specific consumer needs on the other. Hence, Meyer has commitment to translate the latest scientific advancements into effective products. This way Meyer guarantees "the highest technological skills and a dedication to excellence." "MeyerSee more

Org Chart - Meyer Organics Pvt


Medical Representative




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pankaj Birla

What company does Pankaj Birla work for?
Pankaj Birla works for Meyer Organics Pvt as Medical Representative
What is Pankaj Birla’s role in Meyer Organics Pvt?
Pankaj Birla’s role in Meyer Organics Pvt is Medical Representative
What is Pankaj Birla’s email address?
Pankaj Birla’s email address is p***@meyer.co.in
What is Pankaj Birla’s business email address?
Pankaj Birla’s business email address is p***@meyer.co.in
What is Pankaj Birla’s direct phone number?
Pankaj Birla’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Pankaj Birla’s work phone number?
Pankaj Birla’s headquarters phone number is +91 9869573647
Which industry does Pankaj Birla work in?
Pankaj Birla works in the industry of Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare.
Who are Pankaj Birla’s peers at other companies?
Pankaj Birla’s peers at other companies are Israa Yousef, Pankaj Kale, Mary Loqa, Manoj Kumar, Ramy Farid.
Who are Pankaj Birla’s colleagues?
Some of Pankaj Birla’s colleagues are Samunder Tanwar, Shrinivas Wanmamulwar, Varun Kinra, Pradeep Lanjwal.
How can I contact Pankaj Birla?
Pankaj Birla contact details: Email address: p***@meyer.co.in Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Pankaj Birla?

Pankaj Birla is a Medical Representative at Meyer Organics Pvt based in Wagle I.E., Maharashtra.... Read More

Where is Pankaj Birla based?
Pankaj Birla works for Meyer Organics Pvt, located at India
See more information about Pankaj Birla

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