
Panji Bakti

Director, Relationship at Nuartha Tours

Panji Bakti Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Panji Bakti Current Workplace


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Panji Bakti Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Panji Bakti

Panji Bakti is a Director, Relationship at Nuartha Tours based in Cimahi, West Java. Previously, Panji was a Sales Manager at Nuartha Tours.Explore more

Panji Bakti Current Workplace

Nuartha Tours

2018-present (7 years)

Terbentuknya Nuartha Tours and Travel berawal pada tahun 2015 dari sebuah ide untuk mengembangkan sebuah usaha jasa pelayanan pariwisata. Ide ini terbentuk dikarenakan adanya peluang bagi Nuartha Tours and Travel untuk turut bersaing dalam dunia bisnis pariwisata Indonesia. Dengan mengedepankan pelayanan jasa pariwisata berkualitas dari tim internal dan vendor kami disertai pengembangan teknologi yang memberikan kemudahan dalam pencarian, kenyamanan dan kemudahan transaksi serta kepercayaan dan komunikasi antara kami dan masyarakat dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan jasa perjalanan dan pariwisata baik pemesanan kebutuhan transportasi publik dan non publik, akomodasi, tur, outbound dan hiburan lainnya seperti tiket masuk wisata dan lain sebagainya. Dengan didukung oleh manajemen yang berpengalaman dalam bidang jasa pelayanan, pariwisata dan event serta tim support yang kreatif dan inovatif, kami hadir di tengah masyarakat Indonesia untuk menjadi sahabat perjalanan dan wisata terbaik anda. KegiatSee more

Panji Bakti Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Sales Manager

Nuartha Tours


Sales & Tour Operator

Nuartha Tours


Org Chart - Nuartha Tours


Director, Relationship




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Panji Bakti

What company does Panji Bakti work for?
Panji Bakti works for Nuartha Tours as Director, Relationship
What is Panji Bakti’s role in Nuartha Tours?
Panji Bakti’s role in Nuartha Tours is Director, Relationship
What is Panji Bakti’s email address?
Panji Bakti’s email address is b***@nuarthatours.com
What is Panji Bakti’s business email address?
Panji Bakti’s business email address is b***@nuarthatours.com
What is Panji Bakti’s direct phone number?
Panji Bakti’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Panji Bakti’s latest job experience?
Panji Bakti’s latest job experience is Sales Manager at Nuartha Tours
Which industry does Panji Bakti work in?
Panji Bakti works in the industry of Travel Agencies & Services, Consumer Services.
Who are Panji Bakti’s colleagues?
Some of Panji Bakti’s colleagues are Reymon Pramasta, Zahwa Anidaputri.
How can I contact Panji Bakti?
Panji Bakti contact details: Email address: b***@nuarthatours.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Panji Bakti?

Panji Bakti is a Director, Relationship at Nuartha Tours based in Cimahi, West Java. Previously, Panji was a Sales Manager at Nuartha Tours.... Read More

Where is Panji Bakti based?
Panji Bakti works for Nuartha Tours, located at Indonesia
See more information about Panji Bakti

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