Pamela Charron

Boss at Artsy-Fartsy Mama

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About Pamela Charron

Pamela Charron is a Boss at Artsy-Fartsy Mama based in Hamden, Connecticut.Explore more

Pamela Charron Current Workplace

I'm a wife, homeschooling mama, graphic designer, and an avid glitter enthusiast! Here at Artsy-Fartsy Mama, you'll find a little bit of everything: crafts (even ones for the kids), FREE printables and SVG cut files, easy recipes, educational ideas, travel tips, sewing tutorials, and more! In my "free" time, I enjoy binge-watching Netflix while designing printables, traveling the world, and covering things in vinyl, paint, and/or glitter (some of it unintentionally). I also find happiness in a good pun, donuts, grape slush, Harry Potter, everything Disney, being with my little family, playing with my sweet dogs (Lulu & Penny), and of course, creating anything artsy! I am currently an ambassador for Cricut , Resin Crafts Blog , Plaid, Crafts and a part of the Laura Kelly Design Team ! I also partner with lots of wonderful brands like: Expressions Vinyl , Craft Project Ideas , Oriental Trading , HP, LEGO, Hasbro, PlayMonster, Nintendo, Tulip, Make-it-Fun Crafts, Home Right, Universal StuSee more

Org Chart - Artsy-Fartsy Mama






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pamela Charron

What company does Pamela Charron work for?
Pamela Charron works for Artsy-Fartsy Mama as Boss
What is Pamela Charron’s role in Artsy-Fartsy Mama?
Pamela Charron’s role in Artsy-Fartsy Mama is Boss
What is Pamela Charron’s direct phone number?
Pamela Charron’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Pamela Charron’s work phone number?
Pamela Charron’s headquarters phone number is (902) 222-5227
Which industry does Pamela Charron work in?
Pamela Charron works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Pamela Charron’s peers at other companies?
Pamela Charron’s peers at other companies are Robert Kaufman, Marie Lo, Jason Stettner, Waylon Davis, Alicia Smith.
Who are Pamela Charron’s colleagues?
Some of Pamela Charron’s colleagues are Lindsay Gilbert, Heloise De Beer, Pat Cox.
Who is Pamela Charron?

Pamela Charron is a Boss at Artsy-Fartsy Mama based in Hamden, Connecticut.... Read More

Where is Pamela Charron based?
Pamela Charron works for Artsy-Fartsy Mama, located at United States
See more information about Pamela Charron

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