Palesa Moalusi

Reporting Accountant at xds (Pty

Palesa Moalusi Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Palesa Moalusi Current Workplace


xds (Pty


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Number of Employees

About Palesa Moalusi

Palesa Moalusi works as a Reporting Accountant at xds (Pty, which is a Credit Cards & Transaction Processing company with an estimated 103 employees. They are part of Finance Department and their management level is Non-Manager. Palesa is currently based in South Africa. Found email listings include: more

Palesa Moalusi Current Workplace

xds (Pty

2024-present (4 months)

XDS provides a range of smart information solutions that help businesses minimise risk and enable growth. We develop innovative, user-friendly, and affordable data and technology solutions. XDS is one of the major providers of business and consumer data to the South African market, offering solutions across the entire business cycle. Local ownership means that we are able to rapidly, and flexibly, focus our extensive technical and analytical resources on client requirements. Our strong combination of state-of-the-art information technology, skills and experience, and local management enables us to develop fast and innovative solutions for the constantly changing business environment.

Org Chart - xds (Pty


Reporting Accountant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Palesa Moalusi

What company does Palesa Moalusi work for?
Palesa Moalusi works for xds (Pty as Reporting Accountant
What is Palesa Moalusi’s role in xds (Pty?
Palesa Moalusi’s role in xds (Pty is Reporting Accountant
What is Palesa Moalusi’s email address?
Palesa Moalusi’s email address is p***
What is Palesa Moalusi’s business email address?
Palesa Moalusi’s business email address is p***
What is Palesa Moalusi’s direct phone number?
Palesa Moalusi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Palesa Moalusi’s work phone number?
Palesa Moalusi’s headquarters phone number is +27 116459100
Which industry does Palesa Moalusi work in?
Palesa Moalusi works in the industry of Information Collection & Delivery, Media & Internet.
Who are Palesa Moalusi’s colleagues?
Some of Palesa Moalusi’s colleagues are Calvin Rambaran, Lucille Koopman, Mario Brown, Jillian Smit.
How can I contact Palesa Moalusi?
Palesa Moalusi contact details: Email address: p*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Palesa Moalusi based?
Palesa Moalusi works for xds (Pty, located at South Africa
See more information about Palesa Moalusi

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