Paiva Paiva

Analista at Vulcan

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About Paiva Paiva

Paiva Paiva works as a Analista at Vulcan, which is a Retail company with an estimated 9 employees. Found email listings include: more

Paiva Paiva Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

The Vulcan To the Sky Trust is committed to provide a substantial Trust Fund, raised during the aircraft's flying life, to pay for the asset's upkeep during retirement. Our business plan currently shows this Trust Fund amounting to at least £1.2million, making the HLF grant yet more cost-effective. In the professional opinion of Henry Hall, Director of the Curatorial Division at the RAF Museum at Hendon, "The value for money of this project is beyond traditional comparison - this Vulcan, unlike any other in a museum, is unique in its potential to be made airworthy at an affordable cost, and therefore made fit to educate huge crowds about one of the most radical aircraft structural designs to emerge from the British aircraft industry in its heyday. The operation of historic aircraft is an exciting form of educational outreach which the aviation museum sector cannot fill. The private sector has achieved wonders with small and less significant aircraft restorations to flight standard, andSee more

Org Chart - Vulcan






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Paiva Paiva

What company does Paiva Paiva work for?
Paiva Paiva works for Vulcan as Analista
What is Paiva Paiva’s role in Vulcan?
Paiva Paiva’s role in Vulcan is Analista
What is Paiva Paiva’s email address?
Paiva Paiva’s email address is p***
What is Paiva Paiva’s business email address?
Paiva Paiva’s business email address is p***
What is Paiva Paiva’s direct phone number?
Paiva Paiva’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Paiva Paiva’s work phone number?
Paiva Paiva’s headquarters phone number is +7 9258887373
Which industry does Paiva Paiva work in?
Paiva Paiva works in the industry of Sporting & Recreational Equipment Retail, Retail.
Who are Paiva Paiva’s peers at other companies?
Paiva Paiva’s peers at other companies are Agatha Cristiele, Jossias Matias, Alice Manjate, Emilio Lindoso, Pedro Banze.
Who are Paiva Paiva’s colleagues?
Some of Paiva Paiva’s colleagues are Jossias Matias, Alice Manjate, Emilio Lindoso, Euclides Abreu.
How can I contact Paiva Paiva?
Paiva Paiva contact details: Email address: p*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
See more information about Paiva Paiva

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