2024-present (11 months)
Paige Materna Email & Phone number
Paige Materna Current Workplace
1 N State St Fl 15, Chicago, Illinois, 60602, United States
(312) 281-2673
Number of Employees
Paige Materna Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
6Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
10About Paige Materna
Paige Materna is a Director, Program Management Office at Acliviti based in Chicago, Illinois.
Previously, Paige was a Senior Vice President, Digital Strategy and Transformation Leader at Wells Fargo and also held positions at Optum, UnitedHealth Group, Dell EMC XtremIO, McKinsey & Company.
Paige Materna Current Workplace
Founded in 2015, ACLIVITI is a tech advisory firm that helps business leaders navigate their IT decisions. They specialize in Contact Center as a Service, Unified Communication as a Service, Software-Defined Wide-Area Network, and more. The company is located in Chicago, Illinois.
Paige Materna Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Paige Materna
Paige Materna is a Director, Program Management Office at Acliviti based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Paige was a Senior Vice President, Digital Strategy and Transformation Leader at Wells Fargo and also held positions at Optum, UnitedHealth Group, Dell EMC XtremIO, McKinsey & Company....