
Paige Dunson

Urban Planner at the Collaborative

Paige Dunson Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Paige Dunson Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Paige Dunson Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Paige Dunson

Paige Dunson is an Urban Planner at the Collaborative based in Boston, Massachusetts. Previously, Paige was an Urban Planner at City of Marietta, Georgia and also held positions at Cobb Chamber of Commerce, Target, University of West Georgia.Explore more

Paige Dunson Current Workplace

the Collaborative

2024-present (7 months)

The Collaborative is an award-winning consulting firm with a national reputation for excellence in planning, design, and communications. We began in 1990 as an outgrowth of Wallace Floyd Associates, a firm founded with Buckminster Fuller to design and build such signature projects as Epcot Center and the United States Pavilion at Expo 67. We work on projects that build strong communities and organizations, shape extraordinary places and designs, and inspire new ways of thinking and action. As planners we build communities and places that are welcoming, dynamic, and environmentally sound. As designers we draw from our deep respect for nature, history, and culture to craft designs that are relevant, stir thought, and tell a story. Our 5-time Emmy Award-winning Communications Group works to discover what people care about and then we shape campaigns to engage and inform. Collaboration unites all we do and flows from the knowledge that making connections is the root of creation and change.

Paige Dunson Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Urban Planner

City of Marietta, Georgia


Economic Development Intern

Cobb Chamber of Commerce


Fulfillment Associate



Security Assistant

University of West Georgia


Org Chart - the Collaborative


Urban Planner




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Paige Dunson

What company does Paige Dunson work for?
Paige Dunson works for the Collaborative as Urban Planner
What is Paige Dunson’s role in the Collaborative?
Paige Dunson’s role in the Collaborative is Urban Planner
What is Paige Dunson’s email address?
Paige Dunson’s email address is p***@thecollaborative.com
What is Paige Dunson’s business email address?
Paige Dunson’s business email address is p***@thecollaborative.com
What is Paige Dunson’s direct phone number?
Paige Dunson’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Paige Dunson’s work phone number?
Paige Dunson’s headquarters phone number is (617) 338-0018
What is Paige Dunson’s latest job experience?
Paige Dunson’s latest job experience is Urban Planner at City of Marietta, Georgia
Which industry does Paige Dunson work in?
Paige Dunson works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Paige Dunson’s peers at other companies?
Paige Dunson’s peers at other companies are Brittney Harris, Carol McFarlane, Haley Carruthers, Lilit Houlder, Brett Hampton.
Who are Paige Dunson’s colleagues?
Some of Paige Dunson’s colleagues are Marietta Keepers, Pam Murray, Kaye Johnson, Amy Bledsoe.
How can I contact Paige Dunson?
Paige Dunson contact details: Email address: p***@thecollaborative.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Paige Dunson?

Paige Dunson is an Urban Planner at the Collaborative based in Boston, Massachusetts. Previously, Paige was an Urban Planner at City of Marietta, Georgia and also held positions at Cobb Chamber of Commerce, Target, University of West Georgia.... Read More

Where is Paige Dunson based?
Paige Dunson works for the Collaborative, located at United States
See more information about Paige Dunson

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